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row as he comments, “He’s smarter than I gave him credit for.”

“What do you mean?”

“If you ever contest this contract, you can’t say that he verbally threatened you with a weapon. He simply had it in hand.”

I pause at this and then I stammer out, “A-and if I had not agreed to sign it, would he have hurt me?”

Lucas doesn’t say anything for a few moments then he replies, “I don’t know yet. Maybe. Or maybe he would have found a way to harm Sophie without being implicated. The man doesn’t sound like a fool.”

“I don’t regret it, you know.” I rub my hands over my face. When Lucas looks at me for an explanation, I clarify, “I mean signing the contract. I never wanted Darren to come anywhere near Sophie, nor do I want anyone to think of him as Sophie’s father. I don’t want his money or for him to have any role in Sophie’s upbringing. I don’t like the way he forced my hand but in a way, this contract binds him as well. And I don’t regret having Sophie.”

Lucas watches me, silently for a few minutes, “But people know. They know about your and Darren’s relationship. And they know that Sophie is his child.”

My jaw clenches in anger. “They know his twisted version of the story. I know I can’t speak my side of the story but even if I did, who would believe me?” A sound of discontentment is torn from my lips, “Lucas, just because you know part of what’s going on doesn’t mean I want you to interfere. I can protect Sophie. Besides, after three weeks, she’s going to go to the daycare center. Out of sight, out of mind.”

Lucas doesn’t look very happy with my words but at the end of the day, I don’t want to drag him into my problems. I know how to fight my battles. No one could call me weak.

After a long stretch of silence where he doesn’t meet my gaze, his brooding one resting on his unfinished cup of coffee, I say, hesitantly, “I know you’re nothing like Darren, Lucas. I just – I just don’t know why you’re even bothering to pursue me. I have Sophie now. She’s part of the package. Do you really want a child added in the mix?”

“How is that a bad thing?” His tone is sharp as a blade.

I fall silent.

I try to say something but he cuts me off with a glare. “I’ve been through your whole pregnancy, weird cravings and all. I let you nearly crush each bone in my right hand during your delivery. I was there when Sophie was born. How could I ever consider her a burden?”

I can’t find the words to fight him on this because he’s right.

“Look, I’ve had feelings for you for a very long time, Elise. I don’t have a problem spending my time trying to convince you to change your mind. However, if you don’t want me, tell me no to my face and mean it.” He’s looking at me very seriously.

I open my mouth to do just that, to tell him to back off, that I don’t want him, that I’m not looking for any relationship at the moment, that my experience with Darren has left too terrible of a mark on me to trust any man.

But nothing comes out.

My mouth snaps shut and I press my lips together.

Lucas waits and when I say nothing, his lips curl into a satisfied smile. “So, that’s how it is.”

I shift in my seat, not knowing why I’m feeling so awkward. “I mean, I’m not – We can do the date and take things slowly.”

The smile he’s wearing is both smug and cheerful, and he nods his head. “Oh, absolutely. I really need to get Debra another wedding present. Interfering little brat.”

The sudden happiness inside of me is warm and although I have no idea what’s going to happen next, this unexpected flare of joy has me reeling. It’s been a tough year and despite my reservations about dating or men in general, I don’t know why I feel like my heart has never been lighter than today.

This constant conflict in my mind is starting to give me a headache. And it’s honestly starting to become annoying. If I had thought I needed to make up my mind before, now it’s been settled for me.

Lucas has been a solid center for me through everything, even going so far as doing the tiniest of things for me that I wouldn’t have noticed. Although I’m grateful for each and everything he has done for me, my feelings for him go beyond that. Maybe they always have and I’ve just been trying my best to ignore them in an effort to protect myself. But now, knowing that he feels the same, or perhaps more, how can I not accept the hand that he’s offering me?

The man makes me laugh, he makes me smile, he knows how to get under my skin and he knows just how to brighten my mood. Whenever I’m around him, I’ve always felt safe. And he makes it hard for me to concentrate when he gives me one of those looks while filling my head with all kinds of inappropriate fantasies.

Initially, I had never looked too much into why Lucas was so friendly and attentive. Then, when I got knocked up, his friendship was valued even more so because at a time when I needed someone the most, he stood by me and became my rock. There had been times when he had gone overboard and I’d suspected that it was more than just friendship but he had never offered anything more and my worries had subsided. And when he had finally asked me out, I don’t know why but it had struck me that it might be out of pity or just a friendly outing under the guise of a date.

Then his attitude started shifting. The kind friend began evolving into a man who looked at me when he thought I wasn’t looking and when he touched me, his hands lingered for a while longer. I had always found myself flustered around him because of my small crush but now every time he approached me or looked at me, my heart would beat so loud I would fear he could hear it.

Now this.

This is new territory for me and I’m floundering. This seems like a huge risk and yet, my chest is tight in anticipation.

Lucas drops me home later on.
