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I gather Sophie in my arms and step back.

“You know I think I might change my mind. Having a brat might not be the worst thing in the world.”

“The contract says—”

“The contract says…” he cuts me off, “that you can’t use the brat’s existence against me. You can’t bleed me for money. Nowhere does it say that I can’t use the brat.”

My blood runs cold as his words hammer at me. “I’ll take you to court. If you try to gain custody of—”

“You can’t stop me, Elise. I have a better salary than you. I come from money. I can simply say that I don’t find you a fit parent.” He leans forward.

I’m trembling with both fear and rage.

He smirks, “Trust me, there is no shortage of people who would willingly testify against your character in court. So, don’t threaten me.”

I take a deep breath, trying to calm myself down. “I’ll tell everyone what you did.”

“Then you’ll be taken to court for breaking the terms of the contract you signed. Think about lawyer fees, possible fines, possible jail time.”

I can see each escape route close one after the other as I grip on to Sophie, my breathing shallow. “What do you want from me?”

The satisfied look in Darren’s eyed makes me want to claw his eyes out. “Now you’re talking. For starters, get rid of the lawyer.”

“What?” My mind is running in circles. “My personal life has nothing to do with you!”

He gives me a cold look. “That’s my child you’re holding. You want to keep Sophie, the lawyer goes. Or, you can keep him and I’ll take the brat. Then you’re free to fuck whoever you want.” He runs his eyes over me, “Not that you’ll be able to hold on to him. I’ve never bedded a more boring woman than you.”

I would flush with shame if the noose that was his threat wasn’t tightening around

my neck.

He gives me a strange look suddenly, almost sympathetic. “You really are pathetic.”

I bare my teeth, his words pissing me off. Right now, the only two choices I can see before me are that either I fight Darren on this or I give in to his demands, which I don’t think will ever end. “What did I ever do to you?” I bite out, furious with myself while loathing him.

“You were just in the wrong place at the wrong time,” he says and there’s not a trace of humor in his voice, a chilly look in his eyes.

His words, albeit odd, are the least of my problems. I make my decision in seconds. I can’t expose Sophie to this man. “No.” I shake my head. ”If you go after Sophie, I will take you to court. You’re not getting your hands on her!”

An ugly look settles on Darren’s face and he reaches for me, grabbing my wrist in a painful hold that makes me cry out, “Listen, you bitch—”

“Mr. Hall!” A male voice sounds within the lobby, and my heart flutters in relief while Darren’s face grows tight.

He immediately releases my wrist and I know that there will be bruises tomorrow. I take quite a few steps back and my eyes drink in Lucas’ tall form striding over.

“This isn’t over, Elise,” Darren whispers harshly, a cruel glint in his eyes before turning around and saying loudly, “Mr. Black. Is something the matter?”

My eyes shift to Lucas and despite quivering with bone deep fear, I promise to myself to kiss him a hundred times for saving me right now.

I’ve never seen Lucas wear such a ruthless look on his face. It’s a mixture of cold indifference, as if Darren is nothing but a bug to be squashed under his shoes, a naked savagery is hovering just under the surface of his indifferent expression. “Are you running out of work to do that you’re wasting time dawdling in the lobby?”

I can’t see Darren’s face but his voice is light and pleasant, “Elise called me down. She needed some assistance with her computer.”

Lucas raises a doubtful brow at him. “You’re telling me that the receptionist personally called you through your supervisor to help her with an IT related problem when the IT department is on the first floor?” He doesn’t even bother looking at me, his eyes still on Darren. “Elise, put a reminder for me to have Lana reprimand Analysis Department Floor Supervisor for delegating meaningless tasks to their employees.”

“No!” Darren sounds panicked now and there’s a trace of anger in his voice as well.

Lucas gives him a mocking look. “Oh? Is something the matter?”
