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I don’t know at what point when I actually fall asleep. But when I wake up, I’m in my own bed, tucked in, and he’s gone.

And I can’t help but feel a bit bereft over this.



“Have you found anything?” Oliver is leaning against my desk and studying the contract in his hands.

“I think I might have a loophole. But it’s very slight.” I glance in his direction. “This whole thing though seems very strange. He doesn’t want the kid but he doesn’t want her to date me. He’s trying to control her in some way and I can’t figure out the why.”

Caleb is standing behind my chair, his hands behind his back, as he stares at the view out the window. His voice is thoughtful and cold as he states, “Didn’t he tell Elise that he comes from money? Where are we on that?”

“I went through his employee file but there’s nothing I can find,” Oliver replies, sounding frustrated. “Even Lana helped. She wanted to know why I was digging into a random employee’s files at a whim. I haven’t said anything yet but the women are getting suspicious.”

At this, Caleb looks over his shoulders. “Kendall asked me as well. Apparently, your wife sent her over to find out from me. I feigned ignorance.”

“So, you lied?” I ask, bluntly, turning my chair a fraction to stare at him.

“By omission.” Caleb waves off my words.

”So, we can’t find anything on his family?” My words are calm.

Oliver puts his hands in his pockets and studies me. “I did find it odd that he didn’t mention his parents’ names on the file.”

I curse under my breath. “I know I’ve seen him somewhere before.”

Caleb turns around now. “I can send some people to shadow him.”

I stare at him. “Could you try not to sound like you’re in the mafia or something?”

Caleb’s lips just curve in a small smile that’s as soulless as he is when he’s not around Kendall. “I meant that we hire a few private investigators.”

“I heard you talked to his supervisor.” Oliver cocks his head at me. “Doubled his workload.”

“Gives him less time to run around, harassing my woman.”

“What’s this loophole that you found?” Caleb interrupts.

My brow knits together. “Aside from the terms simply being ridiculous, the fact that she was coerced into signing this, it makes me think that maybe we could rescind this contract on the basis that she felt the life of her child was being threatened. But to make it a solid case, I want to find out if there have been any other women who have signed something similar to this.”

“You think other women have also been…?” Oliver’s voice is impassive but his eyes are blazing.

“Don’t you?” I ask, gravely. “The terms of the contract are too refined for it to be the first attempt.” I give him a cold smile. “I think Mr. Hall has been running around doing these things before. It’s only what he’s doing with Elise is making me uneasy. He’s deliberately inserting herself into her life now.”

“Kendall has been keeping her ear to the ground, as has Jace. They say that each rumor varies. There are some that say he was forced into this situation. There are a few that say that he wants his child but Elise is taunting him and not letting him close to see his daughter; that she cheated on him and used him.” Caleb snorts. “It’s a clumsy game he’s playing.”

I look at him.

He nods. “I’ll hire a few PIs. Something or the other will be dug out about his past. I know some very skilled individuals.?


“Does Elise suspect?” Oliver asks me.

I shake my head.

“She knows I’m working on it and she asked me to help her, well demanded is more like it.” I’m smiling now. It fades just as quickly. “But she doesn’t know that you two are helping out.”
