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He pulls back and there’s a small smile on his face. “Then let’s move this to the bedroom.”

My bedroom has a double bed because I like to sprawl on it, uninhibited. But today it comes in handy for an entirely different reason.

Lucas goes and sits on the bed, his hands behind his head. “Take off your dress.”

I hear the command in his voice and I hesitate. I’ve seen this side of him and it’s never failed to thrill me. I remember thinking he might be dominant in the bedroom and something quivers inside of me at finally realizing it might be true. However, I still hesitate, “Maybe I should – the light?”

He watches me, steadily. “I want to see you.”

There are stretch marks on my belly and my hands go to them, instantly, panic infiltrates me.

He doesn’t lose patience like any other man would have. Instead, he holds out his hand and I approach him, not knowing what to say.

“I find you beautiful, Elise. Whatever you think is a flaw, I find it to be you and perfect. Don’t ever hide from me.” He presses his lips to my wrist. “I love you, just in case you haven’t realized and I adore you, everything about you. But I can wait for you to be ready. So, if you don’t want—?”

I shake my head. His words give me strength like they always do. “You’re a first for me in many ways.”

He follows me as I step back and turns me to face the full-length mirror across the room and standing behind me, he starts unzipping my dress.

I tremble as the dress pools at my feet and my eyes flutter shut as Lucas presses his lips on my shoulder. I can feel his hands undoing the clasp on my bra and when it opens, he tugs it off, murmuring all the while, “So beautiful.”

I feel bewildered at where he sees beauty but when I hesitantly meet his gaze in the mirror, there is reverence in his eyes, adoration, and love that shines so clear that my cheeks burn.

When has anyone ever looked at me that way?

His hands come around and he cups my breasts. They’re very tender and he seems to know this, so his touch is delicate. “You’re amazing,” He tells me in a low voice, dropping another kiss on my nape. “Taking care of a child, working, standing up to all your bullies, and you do it all with a smile.” He chuckles. “And maybe a few shots of really bad whiskey.”

The corner of my lips tug up as I try to recognize the woman he’s talking about. Maybe it’s true that when you look at yourself, you only ever see your flaws because you’ve known yourself for so long.

His hands are large and a thrill runs up my spine when he delicately squeezes my breasts. I’m still wearing my underwear and just as I feel glad I’m not completely bare, he suddenly hooks one foot around my ankle and yanks firmly, making my legs part. Then his thigh is forcing itself between my legs and my lower belly tightens at feeling how assertive he is.

Assertive and gentle.

“Lucas,” I breathe out, feeling both confused and overwhelmed.

“Let me take care of you tonight.”

His words whisper along my skin with a tingling sensation that makes me want to throw my head back against his shoulder and let him.

“Just watch how you respond to my touch.”

And I have no choice but to do just that.

My eyes follow as his fingers ghost over my soft belly, leaving a trail of fire behind them, and then his whole hand palms my clothed pussy. He rubs it with the heel of his hand.

I let out a small moan, feeling myself get wet at the friction and I see the smug curve of his lips.

He doesn’t remove the barrier, instead, parting the bottom with a finger and tracing the seams of my pussy which are wet.

I should feel embarrassed but he’s watching my face with a hungry expression on his face and I’m starting to get drugged by the way he’s teasing me, his fingers lingering but not breaching.

My face is getting flushed and my pussy clenches, wanting the intrusion that he’s denying me. I shift, uncomfortably, wanting him but not knowing how to ask for it.

“Is something the matter, Elise?”

He asks, so calmly that it makes me want to grit my teeth. I open my mouth to say something when his fingers find my clit and he rubs it, hard.

I groan at the delicious pleasure that assaults my body.
