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It’s pretty ridiculous to think that knocking her up was the plan to begin with. Nobody is that calculating or precise. But I can’t think of any good reason why that bastard would aim for Elise when there were perfectly willing women who liked him.

Back then, I had taken up the office a few days after the whole acquisition deal came through. Even though I had been busy with making sure the place didn’t collapse, I had also been rather bewitched by the friendly receptionist. Her eyes captured my heart almost instantly and her cheerful but shy demeanor was the only reason I made five trips to the coffee shop across the street every day, just to walk past her.

My home is quiet and still and as I walk past the front door, I wonder how much livelier it would be with a wife and a child.

If Elise hadn’t stayed at her parents, I would have insisted she come live with me.

As I shrug off my coat, I smile to myself.

I can still convince her to do that.

I’ve never been in love with someone.

I’ve dated here and there. I’ve had a few one-night stands but never has there been someone who had so completely consumed my thoughts. I’ve chased this woman with a single-minded purpose for a long time and now that I have her, I fully intend to keep her.

However, as I undo my tie, my eyes idly staring at myself in the mirror, I recall the bruises on Elise’s face and the rage that I had to suppress this evening rears its head.

Coldly, calculatingly, I wrap my freed tie around my knuckles and then smash my fist into the mirror over and over again.

It’s shattering but I don’t stop, my body needing an outlet for the rage.

Someone put their hands on my woman!

Someone bruised her, frightened her, and traumatized her!

They threatened the child that isn’t my blood but is mine nonetheless!

They attacked my family.

My hand is bleeding as I finally retract it and I let the bloodied tie fall onto the ground and see that there are no shards of glass stuck in me.

When I find the person responsible, I’m going to beat him within an inch of his life until he’s begging me for mercy.

I walk away from the mess and hearing a knock on the door, I answer it, know

ing exactly who it is. I’ve been expecting him.

A short man with a firm physique and stern glasses stands at the door. “Mr. Whiteon sent me with the papers.” He studies me in a disinterested manner.

I step back. “Come in.”

He glances at the broken glass on the ground, his eyes taking in my bleeding knuckles, and he raises a brow. However, he enters. He hands me an envelope marked confidential. “I was asked to have you confirm if everything is in order. I can have this filed first thing in the morning.”

I open the envelope and a cruel smile plays on my lips as I scan the contents. Putting the papers back, I hand it to him. “Do so. And deliver the court order to me, personally, tomorrow at my office.”

I receive a polite nod and then the man turns around and walks back into the darkness.

I’m quite satisfied.

The judge came through very quickly.

Since Elise is no longer tending the reception, I have no reason to go there. So, when I receive a call from Howard, the other receptionist, I make my way downstairs.

It’s nearing lunch and there is a large crowd in the reception area of people leaving or waiting for their friends. Since it’s raining today, people have chosen to wait inside, and just like that… I alter my plans when I glimpse Darren in the crowd, accompanied by three women.

The bastard is smiling broadly and when he catches me looking his way, he gives me a cocky look.

I smile back to his discomfort, baring my teeth.
