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A broad smile grows on Payden’s face. “Why would the police come for me when I have a rock solid alibi. I’m spending some quality time with my father at the movies.” He takes a step forward. “No, no. You stabbed Elise because she rejected you and then you committed suicide because you couldn’t bear to live without her. And then I’ll take the brat. She’ll spend the rest of her life paying for the humiliation that her slut of a mother brought on me.”

Elise, who has been motionless for the most part of his speech, has a terrified expression on her face at the last part. “You think my parents will let you anywhere near my daughter?” Her words are fierce.

Payden just scoffs. “I’m the kid’s birth father. Do you think some elderly demented folks can stop me? If they protest too much, they’ll meet the same fate as you.”

I laugh at this. “For a few minutes there, I actually thought you were smart. You might have done a lot of research on me but you clearly haven’t done enough on Elise. Her father is Richard Smith, the business tycoon.” There’s a trace of mocking in my tone. “You really should have picked a low profile target.”

Payden’s face stiffens. “You’re lying.” He glances at Elise.

Her lips are pressed together.

He screams, “You’re lying!”

“He’s not. And my parents know everything from what you did to me to your threats. They will never give you Sophie.”

I can see the gears in Payden’s head whirling and then he relaxes. “So, I don’t take the little brat. You two will still be dead.”

From the corner of my eye, I see Oliver standing in the doorway of the kitchen. He’s behind Payden and I slightly shake my head to tell him to wait. “And then what? We die. How does that affect you?”

“Call it revenge for what you did to my family and our father.”

Seeing that I don’t react to this, his eyes widen and he laughs. “Oh, you already figured that part out, did you? That we’re half brothers.”

Elise looks shocked. “Lucas?”

I don’t look at her but tell her a broken down version of it, “Leon knocked up his mother and extorted her for years before I put a stop to it.”

“And also blocked my source of income. Dad and I always split the money forty sixty. And then you went and ruined my family.”

I tuck my hands in my pockets. “I sued them on behalf of a client. And for someone who’s seemingly involved in his mother’s extortion, you certainly care a lot about your family.”

Payden bares his teeth. “My mother was always a bitch. She went on and married that fool, Henry. She only ever loved my siblings. I was always the dirty one. So, why shouldn’t I take the money that she paid for the crime of birthing me. It was my right!”

“So, you had a bad childhood. Boo hoo.” I roll my eyes.

Payden’s eyes flash with unconcealed rage but he composes himself in a heartbeat. “You think you’re so smart, Lucas?”

The sound of a thud comes from the kitchen as I see Oliver crumple to the ground with a groan.

“Look what I found,” comes a familiar voice from behind and my father steps out, holding a large baseball bat in his hand. He wears a cocky grin on his face.

Payden steps aside and I get a clear view of an unconscious Oliver.

“Not so tough now, is he?” He laughs.

Elise moans in grief at the sight.

My jaw just clenches. “We wouldn’t have really gone after Elise if you hadn’t had that little display of affection in the morning at the office. Dad saw you and we realized that she was your biggest weakness. She and the brat, of course. You were such a love struck fool. The more she hurt, you hurt.”

Elise doesn’t give me a chance to say anything because she glares at Payden, “You might get away with some of this, Darren, but not for long. My parents will know it was you and they’ll hunt you down.”

Payden walks over to her.

I stiffen.

He caresses her face with his gun almost gently. “We won’t be here long enough. I’ve been selling company secrets for a whole yea

r now. I’m loaded with cash. We’ll be far away before anybody will even think of us.” Then without a warning, he raises his hand to hit her with the gun.
