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Unhappy, I stir my coffee. “She shouldn’t have to change herself for anybody. That’s bullshit! She can have anyone she likes, and just because this guy doesn’t like the way she dresses…” I curse this imaginary guy in my head, already hating him.

As I open the door to the pizza delivery guy and pay, I mutter, “I bet he looks like a shriveled up penis.”

The delivery boy gives me a strange look.

I scowl at him. “What?”

He raises his hands in the air. “Nothing, man.”

I slam the door shut, angrily, and just as I reach the table, a knock on my door has me growling. “What is it?!” I glower as I open the door, freezing when I see a startled Halley standing there. She looks different, and I stare at her. “What did you do to your hair?”

It’s some sharp edged look that’s sexy and I hate it because I know every guy in the office will be looking at it.

She flicks her hair and grins, one hand on her hip. “What do you think? I look unbelievably hot!”

“You’re also unbelievably modest,” I tell her. “Where’s the rest of it?”

“Gone.” She grins, smugly, ignoring my little insult. “Kendall thought I needed an edge to my look. I love it!”

It’s then when I notice the shopping bags at her feet and stare at the sheer number of them. “What? Are you planning to leave all these here?”

She gives me a sheepish look. “Well, no. I kind of forgot my wallet in Kendall’s car and we didn’t eat and I was wondering if I could borrow ten dollars because…” She trails off when her stomach rumbles loudly enough to attract my attention.

“I ordered some pizza,” I tell her, suddenly pleased that she feels comfortable enough to come to me for something so trivial.

She shuffles her feet as if a little shy. “Well, I do like pizza.” Then, she follows that up by shooting me a suspicious look. “You didn’t add any pineapples to it, did you?”

When I don’t say anything, her eyes widen in horror. “Oh, dear God, you’re one of those!”

I grab her by the arm and tug her in, irritated. “Just because I like pineapples on a pizza, it doesn’t make me a monster.”

She lets me tug her in.

I pick up her bags and dump them beside the door, inside.

“I hate pineapples,” Halley bemoans.

I glare at her. “Just pick them out.”

She turns her nose up.

I have the urg

e to put her across my knee and spank the attitude out of her.

“Why are you looking at me like that?” she asks warily.

I toss out all my perverted thoughts out the window. “That was quite a short shopping trip,” I say, moving to the kitchen to take out two plates and pick up my neglected coffee.

When I turn around, she’s curled her legs up under her on my couch just like she does in my office and my lips twitch at the ease she finds herself at in my apartment.

Isn’t she worried that I’m a single man and I might make a pass at her, boss or no boss? It’s not like we’re at the office right now.

“Kendall shops to the point and Lana likes to spend hours in one shop.” Halley picks up a slice of pizza and stuffs it into her mouth. “Elise is more realistic. She was really helpful and everywhere she went, whenever she mentioned her name, the shop manager would come out and serve us themselves. It was so amazing!” She’s gesturing with her hands.

I watch her, feeling a tinge of amusement. “Her parents are very prominent members of society.”

Halley looks surprised. “Wow. But she was really helpful. Kendall and Lana kept trying to force their own styles on me but Elise wasn’t having any of it. She completely overruled every decision they made and helped me choose what she thought I might like. It was so much fun!” She sighs, happily.
