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“So, how’re you liking your new cubicle?” Kendall grins at me, leaning on the faux wooden desk. “Elise told me you were so excited.”

I fiddle with my pencil, not knowing how to tell her I would be enjoying it even more if a certain someone didn’t keep popping up every five minutes, running the ‘Halley Patrol’. “It seems Jace likes it more than I do,” I say, carefully.

Kendall’s lips curve in a knowing smirk. “You don’t say? Do tell.”

I lift up my head and wheel my chair slightly back only to see Jace standing at the edge of the curve in the wall, glaring at Jason, the blonde guy who sits five cubicles away from me.

He had invited me to lunch two days ago and Jace has been glaring at him ever since.

If he had wanted to go with us, he could just have tagged along! I think to myself, irritated.

Kendall follows my line of sight and blinks. “What’s he doing?”

I roll my eyes. “I don’t know. He’s been doing that ever since I got my desk last week. He keeps coming here and glaring at people. And every time I go to lunch with someone, he gets all moody and grumpy. It’s like he’s on his period.”

Kendall snorts. “Maybe. Or there could be another reason.”

I look up at her, mystified. “What reason?”

She stills before giving me a strange look. “You can’t be that dense.”

“What?” I persist.

She opens her mouth before snapping it shut. “Ah, best I not say anything. Have you two been fighting though?”

I frown. ”It’s hard to be civil when he’s such a dick to me.”

She nods gravely. “Sounds like Jace.” Then, something mischievous flashes in her eyes and she leans forward. “Have you been asked out by any of the guys here, yet?”

I freeze before blushing slightly. “Well, you know Harry and Clark?”

“I don’t but go on.” Kendall’s smile grows broad.

I fidget with my fingers. “Harry asked me to go for drinks this Friday and Clark wants to take me to dinner Sunday evening.”

Kendall purses her lips. “And did you say yes?”

I look uncertain before leaning closer to her. “I’ve never actually been on a date, so I really wanted to know what it’s like to go on one. So, yeah. But…” I hesitate. “I’m not really attracted to them. They don’t seem my type.” I can’t tell her that every time I look at them, I’d much prefer a pair of scowling brown eyes, dark smoothed back hair, and a familiar haughty attitude. I sigh. “Let’s see how it goes.”

Seeing Kendall, Jace makes his way over and I wince.

“Look who it is.” Kendall grins. “What drags you here from your lonely corner of the world, brother?”

Jace looks annoyed and he doesn’t meet my gaze.

Considering that we’ve been at odds for the past week, it makes sense. I ignore him and get back to my work, but I can feel his eyes boring holes in the back of my head.

“Nothing,” he mutters.

I feel a little upset.


??So, two dates in one week, Halley? Good for you!”
