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His eyes are shooting daggers at me. “Why does she need a lawyer when she claims to be innocent?” David sneers.

Lucas gives him his most vague smile. “I was bored.”

“And what about him?” The detective shoots Jace a look.

I immediately reach out to grab Jace’s hand and my voice is strong, without a quiver to betray the cold fear racing through my body. “He stays with me.”

Both Lana and Lucas glance at me, one pleased, the other looks surprised.

Jace doesn’t say anything, instead curling his hand around mine and the look he shoots me is one of quiet confidence, which makes me feel all sorts of things I don’t have the time to analyze.

“This isn’t a party. Get rid of him.” The detective is clearly not pleased by being outnumbered.

I tighten my lips as I reply, “I thought this was an interview. That means I can have anyone I want present here. If I want the whole office to show up, you can’t complain.”

David glowers at me.

I lift my chin, telling myself not to be intimidated by him. Jace is right. He has nothing on me. If this man wants to harass me, I’m not going to make it easy for him.

It’s Lana who speaks up now, her voice cold, “Detective, instead of wasting Miss Cooper’s valuable time, please get on with the questions.”

David throws a hateful glance towards her.

I don’t understand where all this is stemming from.

He turns to me and spits out, “The security tapes were tampered with.”

My eyes widen, but before I can say anything, Lucas answers on my behalf, his tone neutral, “And your evidence?”

“Excuse me?” The detective glares at him.

Lucas doesn’t seem fazed as he smiles, pleasantly. “Surely, you don’t think I would take you for your word if you won’t provide any evidence backing up your claim?”

“I don’t need to show you the evidence,” David snarls. “And besides, Hashem told me that this little bitch was out to ruin his life. Her and her boyfriend.”

“Boyfriend?” I echo.

Lucas glances at me and then up at Jace before his confused expression clears. “He’s talking about Jace.”

I open my mouth to refute the statement, half-heartedly, but the way Jace tightens his hand on my shoulder has me snapping my mouth shut.

“He harassed my intern, made derogatory remarks about her, traumatized her,” Jace says, his tone sharp. “Would you rather I just let him do that?”

David’s face turns red with anger. “That’s just your word against his.”

“And mine,” I add, my hand clenching around Jace’s.

“Of course, you’ll lie to—”

“I also witnessed the exchange,” Lana says, calmly. “Which was why I terminated Mr. Jameson’s contract effective immediately.” She leans forward. “You should also make a note, Detective, that Hashem Jameson was being investigated by the company for a list of harassment incidents. Coming after our intern and an employee like this is pointless.”

David’s eyes are seething as they look at Lana.

I get a feeling that he wants nothing more than to reach across the desk and put his hands around her neck to throttle her. “A man dies and all you can do is slander his character! How do I know you’re not making this up?” David demands.

“Don’t be ridiculous.” Lana waves off his accusation, “Of course we have evidence.”

“You’ve been breathing down mine and Halley’s neck ever since the accident,” Jace sounds angry. “A man like Hashem has a number of enemies. This is starting to seem more and more like a personal grudge than a proper investigation.”
