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Apparently, it’s smooth sailing from there because she reaches out and locates the case file before withdrawing from the system, not leaving any clues behind. She closes my laptop and then looks at me. “I have it.” Her voice is trembling.

I mutter, “You should be scared. I can’t believe I’m dating a hacker. I’m not visiting you in prison.”

She chuckles and then leans against me, rubbing her head against my collarbone like a cat. “I wasn’t going to get caught.”

Her words make me narrow my eyes and I grip her by the chin, forcing her to meet my gaze, as I demand, “How many times have you done something like this?”

She smiles at me, before she darts up to give me a peck on my lips. “Don’t worry about it.”

Her coy smile makes me lose my breath and I know I’m not going to win, so I just sigh. I’m just relieved that whatever haunted her before is no longer there and she seems like her

old self.

She’s about to open the file, and I watch when the lights above flicker before the whole room plunges into darkness.

“Oh, shit!” Halley cries out, quickly moving to shut down the laptop.

“What’s wrong?”

“It was running on the charger. I’ll lose the data!” Her fingers move deftly and she closes the laptop in haste. “That was close.”

“Why were you running it on the charger?” I question.

Halley gives me a sheepish smile. “I damaged the battery a few days ago.”

“Now what?” I ask.

She places the laptop under the bed. “The electricity usually goes for a few hours when it’s raining like this. The heating also stops working, so you should get a blanket or something.”

I reach out in the darkness and tug the one she has. “Isn’t that mine?”

“But I’m using this.” Halley’s voice is tinged with exasperation.

“But it’s mine,” I counter, easily. When she doesn’t respond, I order, “Scoot over. We’re sharing.”

“You’re a grown man,” she complains even as she moves over. “Go to my room and get the other blanket.”

“I don’t want to,” I tell her as I squeeze myself next to her, feeling her body heat. “It’s summer. Why is it so cold?” I’m lying stretched out on the bed and Halley has also been forced to lie down so we can share the blanket properly.

Her voice is tinged with disapproval as she tells me, “It gets like this during thunderstorms. Wait till it stops raining. Then it’ll be both hot and humid. You’ll want to kill yourself.”

The bed is tiny and having us both lay side by side is getting uncomfortable, so I prop myself up on my elbow and lean over her, her delicate profile visible in the soft light emitting from the open curtains.

The position makes Halley fidget.

I gaze down at her, enjoying the view.

“Stop leering at me,” she mutters. “Pervert.”

“How do you know I’m looking at you?” I grin.

“I can feel it?” she grumbles.

My smile widens, as I say, craftily, “Oh, like this?” I run my hand over her stomach before resting it on her covered breast.

She hisses and quickly turns over. “S-Stop that!”

Even in the darkness, I know she’s blushing and the sadistic part of me delights in that. “What did I do?” I ask, innocently.
