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The only word I have to describe them are fluffballs.

I’m not annoyed.

Walking over, I flick one with my finger.

Halley grins at me. “You like?”

“Oh, Kendall’s definitely going to kill you,” I inform her.

She twirls around. “This is my something blue.”

“I thought you were wearing the blue thing in your hair as your something blue?”

She gives me a cheerful look. “Nah. I changed my mind.”

I’m about to say something when her expression morphs into discomfort and I immediately grab the waste basket.

She waves me away. “No, no. I’m good.”

“Isn’t your morning sickness supposed to be going away?”

The day I proposed to Halley, that very night we discovered she was expecting. While thrilled with the news, both of us were clueless about how to go about it and our apartment is filled with baby books.

“Kendall said that I should be fine in a few weeks.” Halley covers her mouth.

I hand her a bottle of water.

Both of us didn’t want a huge wedding, so we're hosting it at Lucas’s house, his garden is large enough to cater the few guests we decided to invite.

We reach the venue and are immediately dragged apart with my sister stealing my fiancée while Lucas and Duke take me to the garden out back.

“Unka Jace!” A small child toddles over, wearing a perfectly fitted suit. His eyes are amber just like his father’s and his ashen hair is sticking out everywhere.

Sophie casually follows him, her pink dress flawlessly clean.

“Hey Axel!” I sweep him up into my arms and grin. “What’s with the tux? You getting married or something?”

He giggles and pats my cheeks, which are caked in mud, to my dismay.

Caleb is on the phone nearby as he sees my ruined face and arches a brow.

I know why he’s hiding out in the garden. Kendall threatened to break his phone if he made any work-related calls.

“Why is your face dirty?” Oliver demands as he strolls towards me. “Lana sent me to make sure everything is ready. Go clean up.” His words would have sounded more imposing if he didn’t have a two-year-old hanging from his neck like a little monkey.

“Come on, Axel.” I carry my nephew away.

However, washing up isn’t as easy as I had planned because Axel refuses to go near the water and most of it splashes on me. Seeing the look in my eye, he wriggles from my grasp and makes a break for it.

I stare at my drenched suit and hear a knock on the bathroom door.

“There’s an extra suit in the cupboard.”

That’s Caleb’s voice.

I open the thin wardrobe and see a dark blue suit with a crisp white shirt. It’s the same one that my brother-in-law had insisted I buy when I had been adamant on just renting a tux.

Suddenly, the whole mud incident doesn’t seem like an accident anymore.
