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I don’t let the man get a word in and without hesitating…I loop my arm around Tracy’s waist and yank her towards me, almost instinctively.

She doesn’t cry out or anything, she just quietly gasps and then goes still in my arms, almost as if she senses the presence behind her.

My eyes are on Paul’s and I feel darkly protective as I press my lips on Tracy’s forehead, holding her against my body so her face is buried in my chest.

To my surprise, Tracy doesn’t so much as move, relaxing in my arms as if she belongs there.

My words aren’t quiet on purpose. They’re loud enough to reach Paul’s ears, “Let’s get something to eat since you’re off your shift, babe.”

Each word is targeted towards the man standing a few feet away, his hands clenched by his sides. He can’t force her to work during her break and he can’t possibly take me on since I’m bigger than him and meaner looking.

Sheena stands behind the counter, her eyes wide as she too, overhears my words.

I hold Paul’s gaze, making sure to make mine more menacing, before I ask, “You don’t have to work now, right?”

I’m speaking to Tracy but my question is directed towards Paul.

Tracy pulls back from me and looks over her shoulder, almost a little, and she looks almost hesitant as she glances towards Paul. “I should be.”

“You’ve been working non-stop for the past two weeks,” I bark. “Where’s your manager? Maybe I should have a word with him?”

I don’t know how much Tracy will allow me to get away with and her hand tightens on my shirt.

I narrow my eyes at Paul.

Tracy starts to speak, “You—”

“She’s off! She’s off!” Paul says, hastily. “Good job. Thanks for helping out these past few days, Tracy.”

Good to know… the man is a coward.

But I’ve seen cowards like him and the minute my back is turned, he’ll take out his frustrations on Tracy. I just have to make it, so he keeps his grubby hands off my woman – I freeze as I comprehend this particular line of thought.

Something must have shown on my face because Tracy lightly pinches my chest, murmuring, “Don’t stop now. You were doing so well.”

I look down at her only to see her raising a brow at me and I wonder how much trouble I’m in as I usher her out, “I can explain.” I immediately release her once we’re in the parking lot, hidden from view.

She crosses her arms, studying me with an odd expression. “All right. I’m listening.”

Big mistake.

I should have let her vent out exactly what I was supposed to be apologizing for.

“Well, um.” I scratch the back of my head, sheepishly. “Your friend, Sheena—”

“She’s not my friend,” she abruptly cuts me off.

“Yeah, okay, well, uh—your colleague told me that you were being harassed at work and l just wanted to help because, um, because...” I wrack my brains and then blink as the events from the previous afternoon come hurtling back, and I continue, a bit more confidently, “Because I gave Kendall a ride yesterday to pick up Max from school. And the kid was missing you and then Kendall told me you were pulling extra shifts and I didn’t think it was fair on Max to be so lonely because your boss is being a dick.”

I know I’m rambling at this point but I have taken a lot of liberties with Tracy.

However, to my surprise, she tilts her head and chuckles. “You’re lucky I find you cute.”

I go still at her comment.

She continues, “You’re sweet, Duke, but you shouldn’t involve yourself in my problems. I’ll figure out a way to handle all this.”

I don’t get a chance to say anything because she adds, with a knowing gleam in her eyes, “I know Kendall didn’t send you here and I really appreciate how kind you’ve been to me—”
