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I know I now have ten minutes to do whatever I want before the police show up.

Just like I planned.

I turn to Paul who’s trying to escape and I grab him by his lapels, growling. “Recognize me?”

He blinks and then a different kind of terror seeps into his face. “Y-You—”

“My woman came home with bruises, two days ago. Did you think I wouldn’t come after you?”

Paul tries to escape my hold, and he shouts, “I didn’t do anything. That whore is lying!”

I lift up my knee and thrust it into his crotch, making him scream.

I’m not worried that the people inside will hear us because right now, the bartender is trying to fix the volume control because the music is raging too loudly. It’s going to take him a few good minutes to put the knob back on and lower the volume.

“Why should I believe you?” I ask, pinning the greasy bastard to the dumpster.

“S-she came onto me!” Paul lies

, sweating. “And I pushed her away. But I didn’t hit her. She just fell.”

“How many people that you know of, get a black eye from simply falling down?” My knee is pressed against his crotch.

Now, he’s close to pissing himself. Maybe in a last attempt to save his hide, he goes after my face.

I don’t flinch as his nails rake across my face. I just give him a cold smile and then toss him to the ground.

He scrambles back, a whine escaping his lips.

“You should have left Tracy alone,” I tell him in advance, my entire posture, menacing. “She wasn’t yours to touch.”

The bravado that rises up in Paul is slightly admirable as he spits out, “She should be grateful that I even paid her any attention!”

My smile doesn’t falter as I kick him again in the crotch.

He curls into himself while howling.

I crouch down and study him. “You’ve never really been held accountable, have you? Well, now you will be. The time has arrived.” I grab his dick through his leather pants and twist, forcing him to let out a keening wail, as his face turns white with pain. “I’m not going to leave any mark on you. What I’m going to do is much worse. You’re going to a place where I have a lot of friends who owe me favors. They’re the ones who’re going to hurt you. And they’ll do so for a very long time. They’ll break you until there’s nothing left. I’ll visit you every year and see what’s left behind. And I’ll remind you that all this happened because you put your hands on someone that didn’t belong to you.” As I say all this, my hands are twisting his delicate organ.

He can’t even make sounds anymore. His face is streaked with tears and when I release my hold on him, he sobs out, defiant to the very end, “M-my uncle will finish you! H-he’s a politician.”

“He’s getting arrested as we speak on cases of bribery to the police, the same police that ignored the complaints of every victim who dared to speak out against you. He’s going to have his hands full for the next few years. And every woman that you ever assaulted is going to come forward after tonight.”

I straighten up and aim another kick at his crotch, relishing in his screams. “I’m going to take everything from you, your life, your dignity, your money. I’ll make you crawl and beg like you made all those women do. Like you made my Tracy do.”

The dark stain in Paul’s pants is visible in the dim lighting.

I laugh mockingly. “Did you pee yourself? How apt.” I kick him…again.

And again, he whimpers, his voice hoarse and broken.

“You’re going to spend a lifetime regretting even looking at Tracy.” I glance at my watch and smile coldly. “The police will be here any moment now. So, I’ll take my leave.” I crouch down, grab Paul’s hair, and yank his head up, forcing him to meet my gaze. “Remember, if you even say Tracy’s name or my name, I have enough contacts in the police force that they will make your life miserable.” My words are a soft whisper, “If I could set you up today, just imagine what else I’m capable of.”

I turn around and dust the dirt off my pants, taking off my gloves, and stuffing them into my pocket.

I have just rounded the corner when I hear the sound of the approaching sirens and I stroll away casually, only turning once I’m at a distance.

Paul is being escorted into the car, two uniforms supporting him and the woman that I paid is being comforted by one of the cops as she puts on a performance that is worthy of the Oscars.
