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Her eyes harden, and then she’s grabbing my hand.

As always, I helplessly follow as she drags me to her apartment and seats me on the couch.

“Stay,” she orders as she heads to the bathroom.

I watch her blankly. Maybe it’s the alcohol, which is making me a little slow to process things right now, but I haven’t moved when she comes back.

She sits across from me and starts cleaning up the gashes on my face. “Somebody really went for you, huh?” she asks, quietly.

I don’t say anything, not even flinching when the alcohol burns my skin.

She’s working steadily on my face and then she says, “I got a call from one of the girls. Apparently, Paul was just arrested, as was his uncle, who’s a big shot politician. Both in one night. It’s on the news. Women are coming forward within hours of his arrest, claiming he assaulted them.”

“Oh,” is all I say in response.

Tracy puts a bandage underneath my eye and over my brow to cover most of the damage. “You’re lucky he didn’t get you in the eye.”

I stiffen at her words.

She gives me a knowing look. “You promised you wouldn’t do anything.”

“I lied.”

“Yeah…no, I figured that out.”

When she doesn’t say anything, I get to my feet, feeling unsettled. “Thanks for this. I’m going to go back—”

“Why did you do it?”

I’m halfway to the door when her question hits me and I freeze. “What kind of question is that?”

I hear her feet on the floor as she puts herself between me and the door.

She is so much smaller than I am, but she glares up at me. “Stop running away and tell me.”

My blood boils and I growl. “Because I promised Max I would protect you and this was the second best thing. And because seeing someone put their hands on you is unacceptable! Be grateful I didn’t rip his head off!”

“You promised my son you’d get revenge for me?” Tracy asks, a bit calmly now.

I scowl. “Yeah. What’s wrong with that? He has every right to ask me—”

“I didn’t say he didn’t,” Tracy cuts me off. “What did you do to Paul?”

“Nothing too bad. Nothing compared to what he did to you. He’s going to go to prison.”

Where he’ll suffer day in and day out.

But I don’t think Tracy needs to know all the go

ry details of what awaits him once he gets to prison.

When she doesn’t say anything, I feel frustrated. “Look, I’m not asking you for anything, all right? I know – But you can’t expect me to watch the woman I love being hurt so ruthlessly. I’m not the type of man to sit idly on my hands. If I had the opportunity, I would have hurt him more. I was in prison for a number of years. I know how to inflict excruciating pain without being caught!” Maybe the prison reference will wake her up and she’ll get out of my way.

However, Tracy puts her hands on my chest and pushes at me, angry now. “Don’t do that. Don’t try to scare me. It won’t work, you stupid lug!”

I snarl at her.

She bares her teeth at me.
