Page 209 of Hot Tycoons Boxset

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“I don’t want you kissing me. You’re here for Mila and Mila alone. I’m not part of the package.”

When Zayn doesn’t say anything, I clench my fist and take a step towards him. “I mean it, Zayn. You and I are not going to be anything more than co-parents. I’m not interested in you or anything that you’re willing to offer.”

“You sure weren’t saying that a minute ago,” Zayn watches me unnervingly, tucking his hands in the pockets of his jeans.

However, I am not going to let him get to me. “You don’t have a place in my life, and that’s never going to change. And if you came here with the intention of getting into my pants, then you can walk out that door and never come back.”

His face turns cold with a fury that I rarely saw before. “I’m here for Mila. Don’t flatter yourself.”

The sting in his words is like a slap to my face, but I heard harsher words and felt worse pain in the past, so I face him without flinching. “Good. Then we’re clear. Now, I think it’s time you leave.”


He doesn’t hesitate, and my eyes follow him as he walks out of the kitchen.

The sound of the front door slamming shut makes me press my lips together in a thin line.

I stare at the wooden table, blindly.

After all these years, he still sees me as a disposable plaything.

He can’t even respect me enough knowing that I am the mother of his child. It is so easy for him to walk in here and get to know Mila and then later try to score with me.

As if I am not deserving of respect.

Wasn’t that what my father shouted at me before he tossed me out?

That I tossed out my honor and respect like yesterday’s trash.

The burning in my eyes makes me blink, and I rub them, refusing to shed any tears. I didn’t cry since that night, and I am not going to start now.

My parents are old-fashioned, so I don’t begrudge them for not supporting my decision to keep Mila and not marry Zayn, not that was ever even an option to begin with. However, I wasn’t expecting to be tossed out on my pregnant ass.

Zayn, however, I thought he would have some measure of respect.

I know I let him kiss me.

That is on me.

But his harsh words still stung a little bit.

My lips curve, sardonically, the self-pity ebbing out of me.

I can’t exactly blame him for taking advantage of the situation, especially when I gave him enough room to do it. However, the fact that he made that decision in the first place, that tells me his opinion of me.

Does he think I will spread my legs for him now that he is in my life?

Is he under the impression that I am desperate for his attention or that just because I am attracted to him, I will let him into my bedroom?

I stare at the kitchen door, my brow knitted into a scowl.

Zayn has no idea who he is dealing with.

“Twirl, Maddie, not jump.” I give the frustrated dancer an exasperated look. “Okay, sugar, watch me go.”

I move in a graceful twirl and then point towards my feet. “See, I used my heels and toes for support. Now you try it.”

The young woman tries the movement again, and when she fails, I put my arm around her. “It’s okay. You just keep practicing, and you’ll get it. I know I didn’t get it the first time either.”
