Page 52 of Hot Tycoons Boxset

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She turns over to eye me warily, and I quickly snuck past her defenses and claim a quick kiss, making her bat at me, indignantly, as I laugh.

“You can’t do that! Gimme the book!” She is clambering over me, trying to reach out for the book, and I push it out of reach, grinning at her. She ends up half on my chest, a scowl on her pretty face. “I hate you.”

“Now, now, darling. Hate is just another form of love.”

She smacks me in the chest, and I put my arms around her, kissing her on the forehead. Her form relaxes against mine.

“You’ll give me the book tomorrow.”

“I’ll buy you the entire series in hardcover if you want,” I promise. “But for now, we both need to sleep. It’s been a shitty day.” She yawns, and buries her face in my chest.

“It wasn’t all that bad.”

“No, it wasn’t. Just the last part of the day.” I smile tenderly at her, agreeing.

“Hmm.” I could feel her drifting off. “I feel safe when I’m with you.” Her words are a sleepy mumble, something she might not have intended to say to me, but just came out.

I kiss her forehead.

“You’re going to be okay, Charlotte. Nobody will be able to get past me. And if they do, there are still those three fools to bypass. You’re as safe as you can get.”

My words make her sigh, and within minutes her tired form curled up around mine and she is out like a light.



I stare at the book, feeling the words jumping over my head. I look up in frustration.

My class is in two days and I still haven’t managed to finish these two chapters. Since I had to skip last week, I am already behind.

Where is Philip when I need him?

Hearing the buzzer, I glance up, a little worried.

Should I answer the door?

Philip has gone to drop his grandmother off at the airport. He won’t be back for another hour.

Grams dropped by this morning with her bags. I have been delighted to see her, and so has she, but she had been in a hurry because she had to hurry back to her son’s side, who had left the hospital to join his cruise.

Now, she had to go threaten him back into the hospital so that he could recover properly.

I was sad at seeing her leave after such a brief meeting, but Philip insisted that I stay home and that he would drop her off at the airport. I got what he was saying. Me, out in the open, with some sort of weird target painted on my back, isn’t a very smart idea.

However, I am not expecting any visitors.

I make my way to the door and glance at the image on the screen, and tense. It is the detective that had been with John, the other day.

Why is he here?

I wonder if I can ask one of the security men standing outside to accompany me.

I open the door and stare at the two men who stand in the hall and blink at them. They look at me warily.

“Uh, there’s a detective downstairs. I don’t want to be alone wit

h him when he comes up. Could one of you stay in the room with me when he’s here?”
