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His body shifts. Soapy hands disappear in front of him and a low moan fills the air. He rotates until his back faces the wall and his front faces me.

I gasp and his eyes fly open to connect with mine. The brilliant blue color piercing my soul, freezing me in place when I know I should turn and run, but my boots are glued to ground beneath me.

He shakes his hair and smiles at me. A self-assured, confidant smile. He sudses up his hand and continues to stroke his cock. I look from his face, to his hand, and back to his face. I have to say, Cooper Jackson is one cocky cowboy, and the nickname has nothing to do with his attitude.


The way my name rolls off his tongue makes me weak in the knees. I lean against the wall for support and try to pretend that what’s happening is normal between friends. Like every day I talk to a man pleasuring himself while I watch. “Cooper.” His name leaves my lips in a whisper.

He looks down at his heavy cock. “Is there something you need?” Long and lazy strokes draw my attention and I lick my lips. “Something you want?” He palms the length and wraps his fingers around the girth and I keep staring.

What can I say? I will not fess up to fantasizing about this man, and although I desperately want to, I don’t rip my clothes off and join him.

I shake my head and look back to his mischief filled eyes. “Lots of things I want Cooper.” I give his fully erect cock another glance. “Perhaps another time.”

He laughs and shuts off the water. “What would your Daddy say if he caught us like this together?”

I pull his towel off the nail he’d hung it from and walk toward him. My heart gallops as fast as my horse. “He wouldn’t say a thing.” I toss the towel at him and wa

tch with great disappointment as he wraps it around his waist.

He stalks toward me until he stands in front of me. “Are you sure about that?” My face is level with his chest and a drip of water just dying to be licked.

“Positive.” I tilt my head back until I’m looking up into his pools of blue. “He’d shoot first.” Afraid that I'll reach out and grope and stroke or grab him, I take a step back. “Mom’s making lasagna for dinner.” I turn and walk away but take a last glance over my shoulder. “See you at the house?”

“Oh you’ll see me all right. What’s for dessert?”

I turn back and give him a long, soft stroke with my eyes. “Me, if you’re brave enough.” Once I clear the wooden screen, I run like hell toward home. Holy hell, I’ve never been so bold. I am more of a peeping Tom than a femme fatale, but something came over me when I saw him naked.

He stood there arrogantly like he was putting on a show for me. He expected me to turn and run. The one thing I know from my limited experience with men is give them what they expect and they lose interest but give them a challenge and they’ll fight like hell to win. When it comes to Cooper Jackson, I’ll challenge him. I already know I’ll let him win. Having him is worth the loss.



Ellie Hawkins is no little girl. She turned into one hell of beautiful woman. And a bold one at that. Who knew the little kid who gawked at me for hours would turn into the beauty who visually devoured me moments ago?

Gone are the pigtails and in their place is a head full of flowing blonde curls that fall over her shoulders and sit on top of her full breasts. A body that once could only be described as two-by-four straight, now has the curves of an hourglass that her jeans and T-shirt hug lovingly. Big breasts, narrow waist, wide hips, and thighs I'm certain will feel plush against my pounding hips.

Nope. Elizabeth Hawkins is no longer a little girl. She is a woman, and what she doesn’t know is she’s mine.

My hand finds its way under the towel. I let the terry cloth fall to the cement floor and grip my cock tight. Making my way back under the shower head, I turn the water back on and stroke myself. Only this time, I close my eyes and see Ellie’s face. It’s her lips wrapped around my dick, and instead of my palm pulling and squeezing, it’s her tongue licking and sucking until I find my release.

Oh Ellie, you have no idea what’s in store for you.

I pick a dozen wildflowers on my way to the main house. Mostly daisies and a couple of smaller sunflowers. I like them best because they remind me of Ellie. When she was a teen, she loved them, and I often left one for her in the tack room. Who knows if she knew it was me. All I knew was that she loved them and making her smile was my reward. Back then we were four years apart which seemed like a canyon to cross, so I stayed on my side and watched her grow up from a distance. Now she’s twenty-three and I’m twenty-seven. The age difference is negligible.

I knock three times when I arrive at the main house, and Mrs. Hawkins swings the door wide. “You don’t have to knock, Cooper, you’re like family. Come on in. Ellie’s dying to see you.”

I suppress the laugh that’s threatening to burst free. Ellie already saw me. All of me. “I can’t wait to see her.” All of her, naked, and underneath me sweating and moaning until she falls apart in my arms.

Mrs. Hawkins looks down at the flowers. “That is so thoughtful. There’s tea in the kitchen and a mason jar you can put those flowers in.”

I walk past her to the big open kitchen and hear her calling for Elli to come and see me. Will she come down right away? In front of her family, will she be so brazen? Or will she resort back to the innocent I’d left behind when I went to Brazil four years ago?

She floats into the room in a sundress the color of the flowers I picked on my way. I pull the biggest sunflower from the bunch and hand it to her.

She smells the bloom. “Thank you. I love these flowers.” Her fingertips brush the velvety petals.
