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“Well, much to our surprise, we went inside to get some lunch, only to find our den is filled with cupids,” Sylred says, giving me a look. “She’s playing with them and showing off her wings.”

Ronak sighs. “Why is our den filled with cupids?”

“Oh, I just had to do some training,” I say nonchalantly as I pick off some imaginary lint from my dress. “It’s nearly Valentine’s Day on earth, you know. It’s our busiest season. And Valentine’s is important for us cupids. It’s special.”

Ronak narrows his eyes. “Did you finish training them? And did you tell Sev about the time off you’re taking?” Sylred asks.

I fidget with my black and white gilded feathers at the bottom of my wings. “Umm, yeah. I told him.”

“Scratch. Spit out whatever it is you’re not saying,” Evert says.

I shuffle my feet. “Hypothetically, if I said that these twelve cupid trainees in our den right now are really sucky cupids and that I need to train them for the next week, would you guys be understanding and supportive about the situation?”

Ronak and Evert sigh.

“Let me get this straight. Instead of quickly taking care of one last issue and then going on maternity leave, you invited a flock of cupids into our house and invited them to stay for a week,” Ronak says dryly.

“Hypothetically,” I answer.

He pinches the bridge of his nose and takes a deep breath.

“Get rid of them,” Evert tells me.

“I hypothetically can’t, because I hypothetically have to train them, or we’ll be super behind, and I can’t let Valentine’s be ruined!” I argue.

“They can’t stay in our den, Emelle,” Sylred says calmly. “There isn’t room.”

“I know. Which is why I was hoping you’d be understanding and supportive, and help me figure out where to stash them when we aren’t working. Hypothetically,” I quickly add.

Based on the looks on their faces, I’m pretty sure my hypothetically isn’t fooling anyone.

Sylred cocks his head in thought. “We can find a place for them.”

“Don’t encourage her. She was supposed to do one small thing, finish in an hour, and then be on leave,” Ronak reminds him. “She was not supposed to agree to work for a week straight when she’s about to have our baby any minute.”

“Exactly,” Evert adds, crossing his arms.

This is what happens when you mate with a bunch of dominating males. “Well, I did agree, so if you won’t help me figure out where they can stay, I’ll just do it myself!” I snap, turning to storm away. “Hypothetically!” I toss over my shoulder.

I don’t even make it five steps before Okot intervenes. “My beloved,” he says, gently taking hold of my arms.

I don’t look up at him. I’m too mad.

“All of this arguing and stress is not good for you or the baby,” he murmurs.

“Then tell those genfins to stop arguing with me,” I retort.

Like a bad magic trick, all of those genfins step up so that I’m now surrounded by all four of my mates.

“I told you, of course we’ll find a place for them to stay,” Sylred says, moving my hair over my shoulder in a tender gesture.

Ronak wraps his tail around my waist, while Evert presses his chest against my back. Okot still has hold of my arms.

I narrow my eyes. “I know what you guys are doing, and it’s not going to work.”

Evert leans in and starts nipping at the back of my neck. “I don’t know what you mean. Enlighten us.”

“You’re trying to soften me up with your sneak-touches.”
