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“I have it all planned out. She’s probably still a bit mad that I’m not a nice, high-society genfin female like Delsheen, and she’s also probably upset about the fact that we haven’t let her come see us or be around Amorette. So, to deflect away from all of that negativity, I’m just going to be so lovable that it’ll be impossible not to like me, and then all of that disapproval will be water under the bridge. See? Easy,” I tell them, looking around expectantly. They’re bound to realize my geniusness and comment on it.

Silence follows.

Yep, they’ll probably commend me any second now…

Still nothing.

I frown. “It’s a good idea,” I tell them, because clearly, they haven’t deduced this on their own. I guess we can’t all be geniuses in this covey. Good thing they’re so hot.

“Just so that I’m understanding this right, your plan is to force Resha to like you?” Evert asks.

“Exactly,” I smile.

Ronak clears his throat. “My mother is very alpha. She has always run the household and my fathers since I was a child. She has very strong opinions, and she doesn’t hold back, even when she should. Honestly, I’m not expecting much from her tonight.”

“What he means is, his mom is a bitch, and everyone knows it,” Evert says dryly.

Ronak doesn’t even get mad at that. He just shrugs.

“Yeah, well, I’m totally gonna cure her bitchiness. After tonight, I’m going to be her new favorite person. Just watch.”

Evert chuckles. “This oughta be good.”

The carriage lurches to a stop, and I peek out the window, seeing that we’ve arrived at the fancy restaurant in town. The street is busy with some kind of fair, so vendors and entertainers are out in droves, and the entire road is lit up by lanterns and magical twinkle lights hanging from every building.

“Ready?” Sylred asks, offering his hand.

“Yep, totally ready.”

Chapter 11

The restaurant is a super fancy genfin establishment, and the place is packed. The building, like all the others, is dome-shaped and made out of polished wood. When we walk in, the lighting is low, and I can see into an exclusive bar area in the back, while there’s a set of spiral stairs that go underground to the restaurant below. Like the outside, everything is made of smooth, polished wood.

As we approach, a genfin host comes forward. “Covey Fircrown,” he greets us. “Right this way. The rest of your party is already waiting.”

The host leads us to the spiral stairs, and like everything else, they’re wooden, polished, and while very nice craftsmanship, they’re narrow and steep. I take a deep, fortifying breath to prepare myself for this formidable journey.

“Okay, Emelle. You can do this,” I say, cricking my neck side to side to really amp myself up.

The host and my other mates turn around and look at me expectantly.

“Are you giving yourself a pep talk?” Evert chuckles beside me.

“Do you see those stairs? It’s like a deathtrap.”

“We would never let you fall, my beloved,” Okot reassures me.

I walk forward, and the host begins his descent down the death stairs. Ronak keeps his steady gaze on me. “I’ll go in front, and you can hold on to me,” he says. Then he turns his head to Okot. “You walk behind her,” the alpha orders.

Okot nods, and then Ronak turns and heads for the stairs. He doesn’t start descending until my hand grabs his forearm that he’s holding against his back just for me. You wouldn’t think walking down stairs would be such a big thing, but since I’m a big thing, it is.

With one hand on his arm and one hand on the railing, I carefully start to make my way down, but it’s dark and daunting as hell, since I can’t see my fe

et or even the steps. I feel pretty badass, to be honest. Every stair that I manage to make it down is like winning a championship.

I’m nearly at the last step when my foot misses the stair completely, and I start to freefall. I barely get a little shriek out before I feel Okot pluck me up effortlessly, his hands under my arms.

I look over my shoulder. “Oh my gods. My life just flashed before my eyes.”
