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The breakup seemed to be long in the past as he got a hold of the back of her dress, sheer and as blood red as her hair. The silk barely covered her ass, her black stockings the only thing keeping

her “boyfriend” from exposing her goods to me and just about every other guy in this room. The party was hopping, but a peek at the most delightful peach I’d ever seen would definitely get a few looks.

I growled, this dude basically flaunting her. Hand on that peach now, he hugged her up to him while they chatted with friends when he’d looked like nothing but a scared-ass Boy Scout the last time he’d been in front of me. And that had been at both parties, a timid little prick that didn’t go around working up flames.

Those flames worked up tonight, my hand curling around my beer bottle, but my observance distracted when Niko nudged my arm. He noticed the pair too, smirking in that direction.

“Looks like she took him back,” he said, his smile coy before he took a drag off his beer. He swallowed it down. “Silly little Queen B.”

Silly was right considering what her boy over there got up to that night at my party. At least, that’s what I had heard. He’d made quite an impression that night, a real party virgin as he not only hadn’t been able to hold his liquor, he’d completely let go of his inhibitions. I mean, he had a girlfriend, but she didn’t seem to be in his sights at all that night.

At least, from what I’d heard.

My smile wide, I touched a hand to Niko’s shoulder. “You know who he was hanging with that night? At our party, I mean?”

We’d been invited to this one, hence running into the beauty queen and her boy toy tonight. We obviously had some of the same friends and had I known she’d be here I would have stayed far the fuck away anyway. I’d been trying to avoid her since that incident in the classroom. I’d gotten what I wanted, her sweet little pussy, and I didn’t need anything else.

My mouth dry, I gazed at my friend, the guy clearly scanning his brain like a super computer. My buddy cataloged people and good pussy away like a filing cabinet, but considering all the people he knew, he might have to dust off some of those files.

“Taylor, I think?” he said, then twitched a smile my way. “Why?”

Shrugging casually, I let go of the girl who’d found me on this couch. She’d been hinting at something promising so I let her stay, but at the present, I found something a little more tempting to bide my time with. Something a little more fun, and if I got to fuck with Billie’s douche of a boyfriend in the process, so much the better.

I wet my lips. “You got digits?”

“Of course.”

I shrugged again. “Shoot a text over,” I said. “Maybe Taylor should know Mr. Huntington is here.”

I got the look from my buddy I often got when I was up to no good, but also a fist tap when he went to work. He pulled that phone right out, shooting that text, and after kissing the cheek of the sweet thing who’d found me on the couch—Bette, I think her name was—I bid my leave, then got to my feet. Niko had finished his text at this point, joining and hugging me over by the arm.

“Taken care of,” he passed off before taking another sip of his beer. We clanked them together, and with a look, I led. We stalked right up to the beauty queen and her dick of a boyfriend, the pair in heavy conversation. Perhaps that was what gave me the confidence to come over. Not able to see those bright, emerald green eyes of hers or get a whiff of that sweet floral skin.

Because the moment I had…

Jarring, point blank when she stared at me and even worse since it wasn’t across a wide auditorium. Fuck me, if I wasn’t completely and irrevocably aware whenever this girl was in the same room with me and had been ever since that day I’d fingered her into ecstasy. It’d been a game I’d been playing, one I’d told my boys all about that day at the gym. But I also told them I had control. I controlled her and not the other way around. I’d gotten what I wanted that day, yes.

But it hadn’t been without collateral damage.

I was feeling that damage now, standing in front of her, and even though she was with another guy, all I could see was her. All I could do was stare at her, those sparkling greens wide and those pouty lips parted. She hadn’t been expecting me obviously, but that was the only surprise she’d allowed herself to show.

“LJ. Niko.” Too stubborn when she jerked that chin high and tried to physically grow herself in front of me and my boy. Those black stilettos maybe gave her an inch and a half, but nowhere near my nearing six-foot-seven. She waved a hand to Mr. Huntington. “You know Sinclair.”

The guy puffed up too, an obvious attempt at intimidation, and I nearly laughed. He put out a palm. “Lance.”

“Sinclair.” I shook, as did Niko when he eased over. I pointed back to him. “You know my buddy.”

“Right,” Sinclair said, letting go of Niko’s hand, then right back to his prize. Right back to Billie. He held on to her like a life force, and the whole thing was motherfrickin’ hilarious. He stood in front of me now like he hadn’t completely let loose in a house full of people mere months ago.

I wonder if he even told her.

Refusing to care, I passed a glance over the two. “Surprised to see you guys,” I said, casual about it. “Together. We must know the same friends.”

Emphasis on the together part, but neither Billie nor her boy toy gave me an in. Mr. Huntington merely smiled at what I said. He tipped his chin. “We must. And how have you been, LJ? Taking care of yourself?”

Better than he was of his girl, and fuck did I know that. How easy it’d be for me to blow his shit out of the water right now. Especially if he hadn’t said anything to her. Lucky for him, that wasn’t my way of doing things. I did things… differently, and I watched all that come to fruition right in front of me. All too suddenly, Mr. Huntington got a text, one I might have not put much stake in.

Had it not been for the look he gave it.
