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He handed him off a beer.

“No luck?” he asked, grinning at him before returning to the couch.

LJ frowned. “How did you know?”

“Just quick is all.” Niko clearly tried to sound casual about it, but so obviously knew something when he plopped down beside me. He popped a cap off his own beer, being super flirty when he threw his arm around me again.

This didn’t seem to particularly help the situation with LJ, but he did allow it before taking my other side. He didn’t sit completely on top of me, but as big as he was, there was no way our thighs weren’t rubbing the other. His extended limbs stamped out, my bare thigh touching his pant leg since I was still wearing a skirt.

He noticed, his gaze chasing up my legs before opening his beer and taking a long swallow. He forced it down hard. “Douche canoe’s gone. Hopefully, with some protection because if he comes back here I’ll shoot his dick off and feed it to him.”

Niko eyed me before clinking my glass. “What did I say? Douche canoe.”

He’d said a lot of things, a few about his friend, but LJ was so hot and cold I had no idea what to make of him. Instead, I took the remote back, changing the channel again. The guys groaned when I found Titanic, but they were going to deal. It was my favorite movie.

And I needed a fucking break tonight.


The girl was hugged all up on Niko like he was her favorite toy, a drink in her hand while the two of them went on and on about some bullshit show for teens. Riverdale, I think she’d called it? Anyway, whatever it was had Niko all up in his feelings, hugging his beer bottle and Billie while he looked confused as fuck about whatever was going on in the show. All this followed the Titanic-fest since I guessed we only caught the tail end of it. Billie quickly acquired the remote again and now, was making us suffer through whatever this crap was on my flat screen.

Niko threw a hand out. “You’ve got to be kidding me. Why would the show’s creators even pen this Betty and Veronica back and forth bullshit?” He lounged back, settling a hand on Billie’s hip. “I mean, no contest here. Betty doesn’t stand a chance, and if she thinks she does with my boy Archie, she’s lost her damn mind. Veronica clearly reigns supreme here.”

“I mean, I don’t know.” Billie rocked her little shoulders, still in that silvery little outfit that hugged her body right. In fact, every time she leaned against Niko’s chest, I got a flash of her ass cheeks, the only reason I was entertaining him holding her at all, I think. She shrugged. “I’d do her.”

I had to have gotten damn whiplash with as quick as I jutted my neck in her direction, and Niko, goddamn Niko, actually choked on his beer. Billie, on the other hand, gave her innocent little chuckle, smiling before taking a sip of her wine. Clearly, the Merlot had made her more cavalier than her usual perfectly put-together self.

She slid her basically empty wine glass on my coffee table, my eyes gifted with another flash of ass. I needed to get myself in check when it came to this girl. But I said nothing when she came back to Niko’s chest.

He cradled her way too tight, my own hand about to crush glass at the situation presented. I wanted to whip her off him, take her to my room, and show her what the fuck was up. I wanted to do what I really wanted at the club tonight instead of forcing her away. But as the evening went on and the banter continued, I was well aware of my rights. I had no claim on this girl.

No logical claim anyway.

Instead, I chose to shake my head, wetting the top of my bottle before taking a drink. It went down in a tasteless lump, and I sniffed, passing off what Billie just said. “Sure, beauty queen.”

“Sure?” She looked at me like I had nothing but audacity for what I’d said, her hands on her hips. “You don’t think I’d do Betty?”

“Oh, I think you’d do her,” I said, listening to myself. My dick suddenly awake, I lounged back in my seat, passing my discomfort off with a smirk. “But don’t lie. Veronica does it for you too.”

Both chicks were fucking hot, and I wouldn’t lie, Betty did it more for me too. There was just something about a blonde as I smirked again, and Niko, well, Niko chuckled.

Putting down his beer, he threw his hands behind his head. He flicked his eyebrows at Billie. “Yeah, you’d do her. But come on, Queen B. You know brunettes do it for you. Take your stalker-ass boyfriend outside.”

The very mention of the prick clearly with his own sexual frustration ran my vision hot, the same with Billie judging by the way her expression cut at Niko. Before I knew it, she was doing the craziest thing. She grabbed my buddy Niko’s shirt…

Then kissed him right on the lips.

It was a forced kissed and surprised the ever-loving fuck out of Niko, his eyes wide and stiff in her hands. The whole thing happened so fast I was stuck in place, wondering what the hell was her deal, and by the time, I even got my head right to do anything about it, the whole thing was over. Billie had her mouth off my friend and Niko had his eyes closed, stunned the fuck in his seat.

Billie touched her mouth. “I think I need a comparison. Blond versus brunette?” she said, and then I found her sight on me. She stared directly into my eyes, so much intent, and I dared her. I fucking dared her to come to me.

On her knees, she did, he

r hands smoothing up my chest, and I passed the whole thing off as I looked at her. I wouldn’t let her see the desire, the flames coursing through me like fucking lava. I wouldn’t let her see how much I wanted to grab her too, toss her on her back and make a home between her legs. I did all that, it was over. I did all that…

Her arms settled around my neck, wanting me to come the rest of the way. Even still, I was stubborn. I wouldn’t let her win, and she knew that.

“You want something from me, beauty queen?” I asked her, my voice heated and fucking aroused. I didn’t want to be, couldn’t help it. My throat moved. “Want me to do something for you?”
