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Seeing what I just did, Niko shook his head. He tipped his chin. “An iron fist even from here, yeah?”

And fuck it’d stay that way. My sisters knew who the boss was. First it was Mom, but then me. Always.

Grinning like a son of a bitch, I tapped Niko’s fist before checking up on my other sisters and that grin widened by what I saw. Gwen and Lia were in middle school and it made me happy like a proud papa just to see where they were at in their lives. Their feeds were filled with nothing but after-school activities and sports like Dasha too. Dasha was captain of the tennis team while Gwen and Lia were in Mathletes and track respectively. I’d helped my mom raise some fucking kickass girls, and it brought me lots of joy to see both Gwen and Lia showing off the new kicks I’d sent them in their photos. I tried to send them things whenever I could, well aware that kids could be bullies when they wanted to be. You were either the one bullying or the one being bullied most of the time in school, and hell, if I’d let my sisters be on the wrong end.

I swiped and swiped and swiped before a whistle from Niko sent my gaze in the other direction. Angling his neck, he pointed out not only who turned out to be my neighbor but the teaching assistant in my film gen-ed class. I took that shit just to graduate, simply delighted by the reappearance of a pair of soft tits and lips crafted by the gods for giving head. That was all my cloudier-than-fuck mind could go upon meeting my neighbor Billie, a fire cracker with deep red hair the tone of her perfectly fuckable lips and anger. The girl had actually talked back to me, more than once, which I found cute.

Smiling now, I found it even more so that she tried to hide those delicious tits of hers under a sweater set. The girl was basically a walking porno, one of those where the school teacher wore a sweater to cover her gorgeous tits and rocked a skirt so tight it barely covered her ass. Billie’s came to the midpoint of her thighs, and though she housed those shapely legs of hers in stockings, there was no hiding the goods. The whole display of her was a goddamn Greek tragedy since the girl was so high-strung, and smirking, I watched Niko basically salivating over her. She came in with the other TAs from my class today, Davey and Griffin. They sat at the bar, ordering food, and upon turning around, Niko jabbed me.

“Still can’t believe you called that chick the stripper,” he said, a sure as fuck disappointment when the stripper actually did come around that night. The brunette hadn’t been nearly as hot. A damn letdown. Niko chuckled. “What a waste, man.”

He was right about that, my own whistling sounded. The girl was basically the chick from Clueless in those skintight stockings and visions of me pushing that skirt up, ripping those stockings off while I drove my dick inside her had me more than uncomfortable in my jeans. That girl was high maintenance as fuck and not something I wanted to deal with. I could smell snobbery from a mile away, my radar strong with that considering I’d been surrounded by it a lot coming up. With the exception of my close buddies back home, the elite could really be something else, and I got that off Billie. In bounds.

“You find out anything about Billie?” I asked Niko now. I’d sent him on a little errand after she’d stormed my house like a hurricane last night, and though I wasn’t trying to fuck with her, I did want to know everything I could. This was my campus, and I needed to know.

“Oh, a fucking lot. Did you know she was a beauty queen?”

My gaze shot right. “Fucking really?”

A sea of chuckles as Niko threw his arms back. “Miss Sweet Apple Ridge,” he singsonged. “Wasn’t hard to find out about her. I guess she and her family are from around the area. A local girl. We’re talking captain of the cheerleading squad, homecoming queen,” he ticked one by one.

“Naturally.” I dashed my eyebrows up. “What else?”

“Eh, uh. I suppose there’s her name. It’s Coventry, and her dad, I guess, is some big-time lawyer, the DA actually.”

“Really?” I looked at her again. She and the crew were still waiting at the bar, chatting amongst each other.

Niko nodded. “Dad ain’t in the picture, though, from what I understand. Ran off with some young thing while she was in college on the coast. Billie just moved back. Her mom’s here, so I guess that makes sense. Might even why she’s going to school here now.”

I rubbed my king ring, a symbol of a history from my small town. Many of the guys from Maywood Heights had them, a gorilla mouth on the front, and our way to throw our weight around. It proved very helpful for me since I grew up on the wrong side of the privilege for many years.

I didn’t know how I felt about hearing Miss Sweet Apple Ridge’s history, a similar story there with our absent fathers. Truth be told, I hadn’t even gotten to know mine. The asshole had walked out on our entire family when my sisters had been basically still in diapers.

“And her boy?” I questioned, cutting back over to Niko. “The one who talked to me.”

The one who thought he could talk, the whole thing funny really. He obviously knew who I was and tread lightly because of it.

Niko smirked. “Sinclair Huntington the third,” he emphasized. “Comes from a long line of Huntingtons, also lawyers and pretty prominent in this town.”

I rubbed the ring below my knuckle again. He’d been quick to throw that shit around, his education or whatever bullshit. I smirked this time and especially when I peered over to Billie’s backside propped like a sweet peach on her barstool. I took a good long look, maybe reconsidering my previous position about not fucking with her.

“Uh oh.”


“I know that look.”

I swung it back to Niko, catching his grin again.

He jerked his chin. “You want to fuck with the beauty queen.”

Did my friend know me or did he know me? And smirking, I tapped his fist. Getting up, I passed him, and my friend followed me. I had a few minutes before my next class.

Might as well fill it.


A blond titan and his dark-eyed demigod stalked my way, Lance Johnson easily believing he was sex on legs. He carried himself with a swagger reserved for one who felt they ran supreme—clearly, with his plastered on grin and blond locks tousled with product. Still slightly too long on one side, it swayed over his eyes, making him more dashing than I was willing to admit in an open forum. He’d embarrassed me today again and made me a fool in front of the entire class as well as suddenly making both Davey and Griffin nervous now. They noticed him coming over and immediately hunkered down in my direction. Griffin’s jaw worked. “What the hell did you do, Coventry?” he asked before tipping his head back. “Pissing that guy off…”
