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All the incredible folks at Macmillan and Henry Holt. I don't know what's in the water there, but their energy and enthusiasm never lag. I am indebted to such a professional team.

Ana Deboo, who has been my wonderful copyeditor for several of my books now, and all I can say is thank you so much and I'm so sorry.

Rosemary Stimola, my agent and friend, who always goes above and beyond, and is truly superhuman in all that she does--from first reader to brilliant adviser to hand-holder. I am certain there is Bio Gel beneath her skin.

Kate Farrell, my editor, who is everything a writer could hope for--first reader, last reader, and everything in between--and is so supportive of the creative process at every step, this book truly could not have been written without her. And as a bonus, she's a fun co-conspirator. I hit the editor jackpot.

My children, Karen, Ben, Jessica, and Dan, who are my first-draft cheerleaders and my inspiration and joy. They keep me going and the words flowing.

As always, my everything to my husband, Dennis. His love and support are unfailing. And he makes me laugh.
