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“So,” Daz began. “I assume we can leave? This isn’t a fuckin’ prison scenario right?”

“Of course you can leave,” Claire assured. “But not alone and not without informing Jake, or whichever guard you’re with where you’re going.”

“Fuck. I can’t believe this shit is happening,” Gavin sighed.

“It won’t be for long. I promise you guys we will get whichever arsehole is doing this,” Jake replied. “Ok, guys, I have some calls to make. My family were expecting me back in Sydney so I need to go and update them. Any questions before I go?”

“Yeah, how will I get laid if I’m not allowed out by myself?”

“God gave you two hands, Matt. Use them.”

Matt mumbled something under his breath, which of course Jake ignored. Then he disappeared from the room while Claire went over what was expected of us. I was looking forward to seeing Jake’s family again after all these years and I felt a stab of sorrow in my chest that we weren’t heading out to Australia anymore, not to mention the guilt I felt for cancelling on the fans. Still, it’s not forever. Once this shit is sorted we will no doubt reschedule the dates.

“It’s back to the studio as normal in the morning. We can’t afford not to get stuff done while we’re here. Cars will be here to pick you up at 7AM, but until then… do whatever it is you guys do best.”

“Well I don’t know about you guys,” I said. “But I’m hitting the sack.”

“It’s 5PM!” Gavin noted.

“And I’ve been travelling for fucking hours. I’m beat.”

As I stood up to make my way to one of the guest bedrooms I plucked my phone from my pocket. I called Elle soon after the fire and filled her in but I told her I’d ring again when we got to LA so we could meet up. Turned out I didn’t need my phone, and it was also looking like I wouldn’t be getting an early night after all.

“Sawyer!” I turned around at the sound of Elle’s voice and saw she was running towards me. She flung herself into my arms and squeezed me as hard as her tiny arms would let her. “You’re alright.”

“You know I am. You spoke to me on the phone!”

“I know but seeing you in one piece is different. This whole thing is scaring the shit out of me.”

“Hey,” I soothed, pushing her away from my body so I could see her face. “Don’t you worry yourself, gorgeous girl. We’ve got a good team looking into this.”

“I know,” she sighed. “I just can’t stop thinking about you being trapped inside that house. What if you hadn’t got out? What if-”

“Stop it, Elle. I did get out. I’m fine.”

“Sorry. I just love you. You’re my muscle man.” The snort bursting from Matt’s throat didn’t go unnoticed and I turned my head, giving him the harshest death glare I could manage. “I’m kinda gutted we’re not going to Australia anymore.”

“We will, just not yet.”

I cocked my head towards the stairs in the middle of the open plan living space, signalling Elle to follow me to someplace private - i.e. somewhere away from Matt.

“I’ll have to get back home soon and make sure Kylie’s okay though,” she continued when we entered one of the nine spare rooms. “I might not be able to join you guys depending on when it is. I’ve got Paris fashion week coming up.”

“We’ll worry about all that when the time comes. As it stands we’ve no idea how long it will be yet.” Hopefully not too long. “Where’s Ry?” I asked curiously, plopping down onto the four-poster bed. Holy shit – the dude has mirrored fucking ceilings.

“He’s got an audition,” she said solemnly. I raised my eyebrow, silently asking her to elaborate. “Some porno company,” she explained, rolling her eyes. “Apparently it’s one of the biggest in the industry and their headquarters are here in LA. He never dreamed he’d ever get to come here and he says he’d always regret it if he didn’t give it a shot while he had the chance.”

“You don’t look pleased. I didn’t think you minded him doing the porn stuff?”

“I don’t. But… what if he gets it? From the way he bangs on about this company they could make him famous in the sex world. He’s worked so hard to become the stylist he is today. I’d be sad to see him give that up.”

“You’re not his mother, Elle. You can’t stop him doing what he wants to do. It’s not like you to think otherwise, either. So come, cut the shit and tell me the real reason you’re pissed with him.”

“I’m not pissed with him,” she said sincerely. “I’ll just fucking miss him if he moves out here. It’s bad enough you spend the best part of your life here. I know he’s young, but apart from you, he’s the only real friend I’ve got.”

“Elle… things are changing for all of us. There’s no point trying to guess the future because it’s impossible and you’ll just drive yourself crazy. Besides, you have Kip now.”

“Yeah and I have no idea how that’s going to work. I can’t just drop everything to be with him. I have a sister, a business, responsibilities. I have to face the fact that with my work commitments and you guys touring and recording out here, we’re going to apart a lot.”

“It’s going to work because you guys are gonna talk about this shit before you head home.”

“Oh we are, are we? Since when did you become my personal agony uncle?” she teased.

“Um, since the day you were guiding me through our maths project and you cried about the fact Eric Walsh called you a heifer.”

“Oh, God! I’d totally forgotten that! He was a twat.”

“Yeah he was. To this day I wish you’d have let me deck the fucker.”

“His parents were on the PTA. You’d have been expelled.”

“Hey, it might’ve done wonders for my rock star image.”

We both laughed, remembering the fond memories. We’ve both accomplished so much in the last ten years and it makes school seems like a whole lifetime ago.
