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“Well yeah, I figured out after our scene together he had no place to stay. Still don’t really know why. He’s not much of a talker. Not about the shit that matters anyway.”

“And you are?”

He knew me too well.

“Guess that’s why we get along. Neither of us see the need to complicate anything by dredging up shit from the past.”

“I don’t know about your past, kid, and I suspect no one does. But don’t let whatever it is define you, or stop you letting anyone in. You’re young, you won’t see it now, but I’ve been alone, Ry and it ain’t a nice place to be.”

“I’ll never be alone,” I said confidently, proud that my voice didn’t waver. “I’ve got tons of friends. I only need to pick up my phone and I can be surrounded by people within minutes.”

“And sometimes, being in a crowd is one of the loneliest places you can be. One day you’re gonna need someone when they’ve all gone home.”

“I’ll never need anyone,” I shot back. This was all getting a little too serious for my taste. “Look I gotta go. Still got a headache and I’ve gotta make sure Mason isn’t getting involved in any Twitter wars,” I joked.

“Sure thing, kid. I’ll call you about Stewart.”

I nodded, making a conscious effort not to roll my eyes. Then I stood up, gave Ivan and Eli a clap on the shoulder in turn, and made my way back home. My heart laid heavily on my stomach as I drove back to my apartment. If Back Door studios went under, I would lose more than a job, more than money.

I’d lose the only family I’d ever had.

Chapter Four


THE FIRST THING I did after kicking my shoes off when I got back home was roll a joint and chill back with it on the couch, not bothering to open a window like I usually would. I groaned as I blew out the first toke, flopping my head back onto the cushions as the serene haze washed over my body. It felt like hours had passed by the time Mason got home, but the digital clock on the fridge confirmed it was only fifteen minutes.

“Dude, open a fucking window,” he scolded, faking an exaggerated cough and wafting his hand in front of his face.

“Want some?” I offered, holding out another freshly lit joint as he made his way back from opening the window.

“Sure,” he said, surprising me as he eyed me up curiously. He took a long pull through his lips and held it in his lungs before blowing out a cloud of smoke as he settled down onto the couch beside me. “What’s wrong with you?” he added, passing the spliff back to me.

“Nothin’ serious,” I replied. Ivan trusted me with the information he shared and if there was one thing I prided myself on, it was fierce loyalty. Mason’s eyes narrowed, suggesting he didn’t believe me. Still, he let it go, and went on to tell me what was in the shopping bags he’d dumped by the door instead.

“What are those scars on your arms?” Mason asked curiously, nodding towards the top of my arm where my T-shirt had ridden up. It was a couple of hours later and we were in my bedroom. Our highs had worn off and he’d just whipped my arse on Call of Duty Black Ops.

“Um, branding,” I answered, flustered. “It’s a form of body modification where they use a heated rod to burn images into your skin. Kinda like a tattoo.”

“Sounds painful.”

I was proud of my quick thinking and the fact he seemed to believe me without question. “Yeah. I just tested it out there on the inside of my arm in case it wasn’t my thing. It wasn’t. Anyway,” I said, changing the subject and praying the heat in my cheeks wasn’t visible. “I feel like we’re pretty good friends, but I don’t really know anything about you.”

“What do you wanna know?”

“Anything.” Everything. That silent statement still confused the shit out of me.

“Not much to tell. I grew up in New York, no siblings, small family. That’s kinda all there is to know.”

“What about friends? School. Jobs?”

“Never really had any friends.” He shrugged. “I dropped out of school and I worked three jobs until I found the dancing. As soon as I heard that would make me more money than those three jobs put together, I didn’t have to think twice about going for it.”

“Who doesn’t have friends? You must have some.”

“Never got the chance, I guess. I was too busy at home.”

Mason’s eyebrows drew together and he exhaled a deep sigh. He was clearly uncomfortable and I felt like I should leave it at that, but a more prominent part of me was desperate to know more about him.

“What happened?” I probed. “I mean, you came here with nothing. I’m guessing you’ve been through some pretty tough shit.”
