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“It’s because we slept together isn’t it?”

“Stop it, Mase. I’m fine. We’re fine. Look I gotta go get ready for my scene.”

And just like that, he was gone.

“So you’re the one who lives with Ry, huh?” Matt’s voice surprised me and I opened my eyes. I was kicking back on one of the beds at the back of the set with my hands folded behind my head.

“It’s only temporary,” I corrected. “I’m looking for my own place.”

Matt sat down beside me on the bed, crossing his ankles and scanning the room.

“What are you doing in here anyway?”

“Bored. Saw and Jake are still sorting through shit with the big man.”

“You know they’re filming right now?”

“Who?” he asked, looking puzzled. “Not that old guy?” he added, wrinkling his nose as he looked Mark up and down.

“That’s the photographer,” I explained, smiling in amusement. “They’re just taking a break. Ry needs to, um, regain focus.”

“What do you mea…oooooh. Captain Horn’s gone off duty, huh.”

Ryder once told me he prided himself on never having to take a fluff break, so this was yet more confirmation that he wasn’t himself.

“They’re back,” I said, nodding toward the other end of the room. “If you don’t wanna see it, now’s the time to escape.”

“It’s just fucking, man.” He shrugged. “Nothin’ else to do around here.”

“Then the second Ivan says ‘we’re on’ you gotta be real quiet.”

I suspected that was going to be quite a challenge for Matt, until I saw him watching Ry and Taylor get into position with what looked like curiosity in his eyes. He soon lost interest and started looking around the room, tapping his fingers against his legs as if he were playing the drums.

I caught myself watching them too. Every time Ryder’s hand brushed against Taylor’s bare skin I couldn’t help remembering what it felt like when he did that to me, the way his soft fingers trailed along my arm, making the hairs there stand on edge in the wake of his touch…and yet now he rarely even sat next to me.

Frustrated, I tipped my head back and closed my eyes, only to have them fly back open when Matt shoved into my shoulder.

“Dude is he…” He stared across the room at the bed where Ryder and Taylor were filming, his face wrinkled and cocked to one side. “Holy fuck he is! Four! Four fucking fingers!”

I followed Matt’s gaze and sure enough Taylor was about to stick a fourth finger into Ryder’s ass. I chuckled quietly, shaking my head at Matt’s reaction.

“I feel like I’ve just had acid thrown into my eyes,” he said, yet funnily enough didn’t take his eyes off the scene. “How is that even possible?”

“What do you mean?”

“It’s an ass! They’re like tiny holes. How the fuck is he getting all those fingers up there?”

“They’re surprisingly stretchy,” I said, trying to reign in my laughter so I didn’t interrupt the scene.

“Well I tried sticking two up a chick’s ass once and she screamed the fucking place down. She seemed like my usual type too.”

“And what’s that?”

“Up for anything. There’s nothing better than a hot, tight ass. But I’m sure you know that already.”

“Yeah,” I agreed, smiling.

We spent the rest of the shoot pretty quiet, but I did notice Matt’s eyes wander over to the bed a few times. He looked more curious than anything and it was really quite amusing. In all honesty, I was surprised he didn’t bail the second Taylor unwrapped the condom.

Once the scene was finished Matt went off to grab a drink from the vending machine and I headed to Ivan’s office to hang out with Sawyer and Jake until Ryder was ready to take us back to his place. They were finished sorting through whatever business stuff they were going through and so I sat down with them and, somehow, we ended up arranging a night out tomorrow. They were so cute to watch sometimes. They were hardly full on with PDA but every so often you’d catch Jake touching Sawyer’s knee, or Sawyer grazing Jake’s hand with his knuckles. I loved what they had together and I’d be lying if I said I didn’t hope to find that kind of connection myself someday.

“Seriously,” Matt said when he joined us in Ivan’s office. “I need to find out more about ass holes.”

“What the hell?” Sawyer asked.

“I just walked past three guys, and the one on the couch had two dicks up there at the same time. How did I not know those little glory holes could fit so much in? I live for sex. I should know this shit.”

“Dude, there is something seriously wrong with you,” Sawyer replied, shaking his head.

“Hey, we’re going out tomorrow night. You coming?” I asked Matt.

“Let me guess, it’s a butt bandit bar, right?”


“Fuck it. Why the hell not? I could do with meeting some more of your species anyway.”
