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“Don’t bother.”

“Not good, huh?”

“Let’s just say there was lots of squealing, a fair few ouches and a couple of get the fuck out of me’s.”

“You weren’t doing it properly.”

“Well thank you for that, but I don’t need your advice anymore because I’m happy to carry on using my main hole for the rest of my life.”

“Your main hole? God, Elle, you crack me up sometimes.”

“Enough about my holes. Let’s get you packed for your trip.”

“Yes, ma’am!”

Elle and I spent the next couple of hours sifting through my wardrobe and transferring most of it into my suitcase, which ended up being two suitcases. Moving out here was the best thing she ever did. I’m not quite sure how dull my life would’ve been without her and I was glad I didn’t have to find out any time soon. By the time Mason got home from Mark’s I was ready to go, much to his surprise. Elle had already left so after a brief kiss and a fumble, we set off to the studio to meet Ivan and the others.

This was going to be so much fun.

Three weeks later…

I expected touring the US to be fun, but it exceeded all my anticipations. Being out there, meeting the fans, it was amazing. A few, and I really am talking about a minority, completely weirded me out – getting right up in my personal space, telling me they loved me, trying to cop a feel. I got that I was in porn, but I was there for them to watch, not be used as their own personal sex toy. On the whole however, people were great. There was so much support out there for us, genuine excitement and admiration, and people who honestly wanted to meet us and not just our alter egos. I loved meeting them, all of them – even the weirdos, for without them, I wouldn’t be living the life I was today. They were responsible for my designer clothes, the travel, the parties. I owed it all to them.

Some parts were just full on insane. Signing posters, DVD’s, having our photos taken with fans. Bizarre. I was just me. A nobody in the grand scheme of things. It made me wonder how the fuck Sawyer coped with it all for so long, how he still coped with it. It was fun for a few weeks, travelling in circles where only select people would even know who I was. But full time? That would’ve driven me batshit crazy.

Tomorrow was the big day – we were flying to London. We had two days there before our meet and greet so I planned to take Mason on a tour of where I grew up and get the meeting with my parents out the way pretty much straight away. If I said I wasn’t nervous, fuck nervous, terrified, I’d be lying, but still it was something I had to do and I wanted it out of the way so I could enjoy the rest of our trip.

Mason had sent me out to pick up his new, and first, passport which he’d left in Ivan’s office. As yet he still didn’t have a car, though he’d found one he planned to buy when we got back from the UK. I wasn’t gone long, half an hour or so, but when I re-entered the apartment the scene took my breath away.

“What’s all this?” I asked, surprised and confused by the tealight candles littering every available surface. Mason strode over to me with slow, purposeful steps, stopping right in front of me and taking my hands in his.

“I think we’re ready, Ryder. I know seeing your parents again isn’t going to be easy, but when you do I want you to know I am yours completely, and that you are mine. I want you. I need you. And before we dive head first into the shit storm that might be waiting for us at your parents’ house, I want us to give ourselves to each other. Completely.”

“I can’t believe you did all this,” I murmured, gesturing around the apartment with my hands.

“We said perfect, remember? And it will be.”

Biting my bottom lip, I followed Mason’s lead into the bathroom. He turned on the shower and I clumsily slipped out of my clothes. I was nervous to the point, if I didn’t know any better, I’d have thought I was a virgin. Stepping inside, we didn’t speak. Instead we took turns to wash each other with lazy fingers, cleaning and exploring at the same time. My dick swelled instantaneously. Mason had a glorious body – toned, athletic, his skin completely unspoiled.

I took my time working the soap into the grooves of his muscles and paid extra attention to his thick, hard cock as it pulsated in my hands. “You’re right,” I breathed into his damp neck. “I am so fucking ready for this.” I gripped his cock with my fingers, massaging his length up and down and reveling in the groans that escaped his throat. “Let’s take this to the bedroom.”
