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“Holy fuck, Ry…”

“That’s it, tiger. Keep going,” I encouraged, my harsh thrusts not relenting for a second.

“Oh, oh…fuuuuuuuck!” Spurts of creamy, white spunk erupted from Mason’s tip, squirting all over his chest. “Come in my mouth for me,” he said, panting heavily. “I need to taste you.”

I pulled my dick out of him immediately, knowing if I didn’t it would be too late. Crawling on my hands and knees up to the top of the mattress I ripped off the condom and threw it to the floor, hovering my swollen head over his mouth.

“Fuck yes,” I hissed, palming my cock and squeezing it as I rubbed myself. Mason cupped my balls, rolling them between his fingers at the same time he opened his mouth, ready to catch my orgasm. “I-I’m…coming,” I panted, gasping for air as the most delicious pleasure shot from my spine and straight into my balls. “Oh, shiiiiiit.” I came hard. Aiming straight for Mason’s open mouth, I poured myself into him, massaging my cock until every last drop had leaked onto his lips.

Then I sagged, feeling exhausted yet wholly complete. Lying down on the bed next to him I leaned across and licked the droplets of his cum with my tongue, lapping them up into my mouth. God, he tasted so fucking good. Once I’d finished I wound my fingers around his neck and pulled his face to mine. I could taste myself as I kissed him, traces of my cum mingling with his own that still coated my tongue.

“Thank you,” I breathed against his lips.

“For what? Having sex with you?”

“For loving me. For believing in me. For staying with me.”

“You thank me every single day by doing exactly the same for me,” he replied, kissing the top of my head. “I think we’re gonna need another shower,” he added, winking at me.

“I’ll scrub your back if you scrub mine?”


The flight back to LA was long, and I slept most of the way. I’d had so many restless nights in prison and it was finally catching up with me. I also had a fever setting in, most likely due to the infection taking hold in my leg, and I’m sure that contributed to the exhaustion. But, on the bonus side if I was asleep I couldn’t think. Thinking usually led to my parents and what I did wrong to hurt them so much. In turn that made me feel insanely low which would then prompt the itch that usually ended up with me hurting myself. So, sleep was good.

Selfishly, I’d hoped to have a few hours to settle back home before being bombarded with Elle and her questions, but of course, Elle being Elle, she was already waiting for me in my apartment when I got home. Damn giving people spare keys, I thought to myself before quickly realizing I wouldn’t want her any other way. She was here because she cared about me, and that was something that I needed to start accepting and appreciating.

What I intended to be a fairly brief conversation turned into an emotional talk that lasted for several hours – a talk where I ended up telling her everything. The rape, the self-harm, and the situation as it stood with my parents. Want to know what she did? She listened. Glistening tears lingered in the corners of her eyes but not once did she let them fall. I knew the second she got home to Kip she would cry straight into his arms, but while she was with me she kept herself together. She was strong for me, and I both loved and truly admired her for that.

By the time Elle went home I was physically and mentally drained. My eyes were swollen from tears and jetlag, my chest ached, and my head hurt like it’d been shot and then ran over by a giant motherfucking truck. Despite feeling robbed of energy however, I did as Mason asked and called the doctor for an appointment about my leg. So, that was tomorrow planned. I would go and show a complete stranger how fucked up I really was, get a prescription for some antibiotics and discuss the different types of therapy available to me. I was completely shitting myself, but I also knew it had to happen. I’d found something special with Mason, something I didn’t even think existed not so long ago, and I felt like I owed it to him to be healthy – body and mind – so I could give him everything he deserved.

Love. Trust. Happiness.

Everything he gave me.

After taking a shower together, Mason and I climbed into bed. I didn’t hold much hope of sleeping, given that my time zones were completely messed up, but simply lying naked next the man who had saved me in every way possible, filled me with a sense of calm. I felt safe with him. Nothing or no one could hurt me here. Mason George was everything I never knew I wanted yet something I wouldn’t want to live without. I would never take him for granted as long as I lived.
