Page 108 of Rend (Riven 2)

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Tears were streaking Rhys’s cheek, and I’d started crying again.

“We’re a total wreck,” I said. He nodded and grabbed my hands, and we sat there crying. “Is this normal?”

Rhys laughed. “I think it’s normal to be a little emotional the night before our wedding, yeah.”

“But we’re already married!” I sobbed.

I’d said it a thousand times. But we both knew that wasn’t the point. We both knew that this wedding meant something for the same reason Rhys had proposed again. We really hadn’t known what it meant to do it the first time. But now we did.

The stakes were a hundred times higher when you knew what you had to gain. And what you stood to lose.

Rhys chuckled and wiped away my tears. “We’re already married,” he agreed calmly, and tapped my ring with his own. “You know you’re gonna have to take that off for a little while tomorrow so I can put it back on you.”

I grumbled, “I know. I don’t like it.”

“Me neither. But we can take them off right before. Five minutes, then they’re back where they belong.”

I nodded.

“Hey,” I said. “Please don’t make me say all this soppy shit out loud in front of everyone tomorrow. I want . . . I don’t want to say a bunch of vows for them and cry. I’ll feel all weird, and then I’ll hate our wedding and I don’t wanna hate our wedding. I just . . . I want that to only be for us.”

Rhys cupped my cheek and kissed me sweetly.

“Baby, I have met you. I didn’t expect you to stand up in front of a bunch of people and spill your guts. We tell each other the truth; we make promises to each other. That’s all that matters.”

“That’s all that matters,” I echoed, sagging against him in relief. His arms came around me as natural as breathing.

“I love you, Matt Nyland-Argento. Or, Matt Argento-Nyland. How scandalous—I don’t even know my own husband’s name on the night before our wedding.”

We smiled at each other. We couldn’t stop smiling.

“I love you,” I said. And then I said it again, so easily, just because I could.

Now, finally, I could.

Tomorrow we would eat and drink with our guests. Tomorrow we would dance, and laugh, and smile, and say thank you for coming. Tomorrow we would exchange rings, and people would cheer.

Now, we whispered our vows in the dark, for only us to hear. Now we held on to each other tightly as the dawn came.
