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“… never date you. Maci has the biggest crush on you, there’s just no way I’d do—what happened to the music?”

Several sets of eyes turn toward the stereo. Now the only sound is the waves crashing to shore and the firewood crackling in flames. And me, when I make this weird half-laughing noise in an effort to excuse my fist accidently plummeting through ten pounds of plastic.

“There was a … bug,” I say. At least I think that’s what I say because the only thing running through my mind is that Crimson just told everyone that I have a crush on Aloki and it’s all my fault that everyone heard it.

Dear Mother Nature, please feel free to split open the earth and swallow me whole. Love, Maci.

Aloki smiles somewhat pathetically and runs a hand through his hair. “Um, sorry you had to hear that.” He’s attempting to apologize, I guess, but it just comes out sounding like a question.

“No one cares,” Max shouts from across the bonfire. “The speakers aren’t broken so someone Bluetooth music, stat.” I’m grateful for his help, I am. Max’s best friend Nyx gets the music going again, but I know the situation is far from diffused. Everyone just heard Crimson’s public declaration of my private secret. Everyone either saw me break the stereo, or knows I did it. Everyone is still sneaking glimpses of me even though they’re pretending not to.

My fight-or-flight instincts are on overdrive. But this isn’t a human-saving situation; it’s a dignity-saving situation. I’m going to flight. I’m going to flight so hard.

I’m three glorious strides away from the party when an ear-splitting siren pierces through the air, the sound coming out of my own back pocket. I’ve only heard it twice in my life, though three times if you count the night my mother and sister died, but of course I don’t remember that. It’s an SOS siren and it’s high pitched for a reason. Only government officials can use them in dire situations. I pull out my MOD and drop it to the sand. I know what’s going to happen next and unfortunately, everyone else does too.

A thick invisible wave pulses from my MOD, spreading high and wide as it creates a vortex of soundless air at least thirty feet wide. Every sound flattens, from the waves crashing to shore to my own breathing. No Super in this vortex can hear a thing.

Then the message begins, a computerized voice informing me that the president is about to make an announcement. I hear it all, not through my ears, but through my powers. The voice permeates through my chest where power rests beneath my skin, flowing through the silvery veins and becoming a part of my subconscious.

My dad’s voice is as clear as if he were standing right next to me. “Maci, to pose as a Hero when you are not is a great dishonor. Max, I am disappointed in you as well.”

The silence disappears as quickly as it began and normal sounds return. My mouth falls open and I can’t seem to make my brain shut it. Max, standing a little to my left, drops his forehead into his hand. He won’t forgive himself for disappointing Dad. This is all my fault.

“Why?” Crimson says, her face a porcelain picture of hurt. I take a step toward her but Max grabs my arm and holds me back. I want to explain—tell her what happened and let her know this party wasn’t a total waste. She folds her arms in front of her chest and looks out at the ocean.

“Did you fail your exam?” I don’t know who says it, but their voice is all mock and no concern. From the back of the crowd, behind the protective anonymous fire, yells another voice, “She’s a fraud!”

An unbelievable hurt worse than my initial embarrassment falls overs me. These people were never my friends.

“It’s none of your business—” I snap, stepping forward with clenched fists as a dozen ruthless things to say flood into my mouth all at once. I’ll teach them to talk to me like that again.

“Mace. I got this.” Max presses his hand to my shoulder and I close my mouth, figuring he can explain this better than I ever could. “She did not fail. She scored a ninety-six. The examiners decided to wait seven days to grant her Hero status.”

“So you were just gonna lie to us?” That voice I know. It’s Nyx, Max’s best friend. And I thought he was my friend, too. “That’s screwed up, man.”

Max shakes his head. “She didn’t know about the party. They will make her Hero in a week anyway, so guys, it’s not a big deal. Let’s just enjoy the party while we’re all lucky enough to be at CIK.”

Max’s power is super strength but I’ve always said he has another power as well. The mental power to make everyone agree with him, to put children’s fear at ease, and to convince his friends to go along with his crazy plans. Max’s words do this now.

Everyone finally stops looking at me with disgust and they go back to their food, conversations, and everything they were doing before I made an ass of myself. Everyone except for one person.

“You know it all makes sense now,” Aloki says, looking at me but taking a place near Crimson. “It makes perfect sense. I knew no one could pass a Hero test after that display of pure evil.”

“Man, you have no idea what you’re talking about,” Max says, coming to my defense yet again.

“What makes sense?” Crimson’s voice is hard, her jaw still set in anger. “Lying to your best friend?”

I give her a helpless look which she notices but ignores. Oh well, I can explain things to her later. If Aloki says what I think he’s about to say then I am totally and completely screwed. His eyes dart from Crimson to me.

“Aloki.” I remove all shame and embarrassment from my face, leaving only pure desperation. “Please—don’t.”

He turns to Crimson. “They brought me a broken droid at work today, asking if I could fix it.”

“No,” I whisper, reaching to grab his arm but he pulls away. “Please stop talking.”

“I want to hear it,” Crimson says, crossing her arms over her chest and giving me one cold-as-hell glare.

“I think people deserve to know,” he says, noticing ever
