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Marasmus, 210

“Marriage Is a Private Affair,” 33

Mauriac, François, 139

Mauricheau-Beaupré, Jean, 155

Mayer, Jean, 213

Mayrock, Bruce, 140

Mazrui, Ali, 56

Mbadiwe, K. O., 91

Mbakwe, Samuel, 91

Mbanefo, Sir Louis, 91, 167, 210, 225–26

Mbari (art as celebration), 18–19, 56

Mbari Club, 115

Mbembe people, 150

Mbu, M. T., 227

Media, during Nigeria-Biafra war, 199–200, 210–11, 221

Mental illness, war-related, 195

Mercenaries, 222

Merchants of Light (Oba), 29–30

Mid-Western Region, invasion of, 128–32, 259–65

Ministry of Information (Biafra), 143–44

Mmuo, Mgboye Matilda, 31

Mofolo, Samuel, 53

Momah, Chike, 16, 21–22, 24, 25, 27, 115

Mqhayi, Samuel, 53

Mugabe, Robert, 258

Muhammed, Murtala, 122, 133, 135, 172–73

My Father’s Daughter (Segun), 114

My Life in the Bush of Ghosts (Tutuola), 113

National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), 103–4

National Council of Nigeria and the Cameroons (NCNC), 45
