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ethnic groups, number of, 25

exports/revenues from, 47

on Failed States Index, 250

Fourth Republic (2004), 248–49

independence, transition to, 48–51

independence fiasco, artists’ reaction to, 52–53

Indigenization Decree (1974), 234, 236–37

interethnic tensions, 46–47, 74–78, 123

Islamist terrorism in, 250–51

majority groups of, 47. See also Igbo people; Yoruba people


and coup of 1966, 78–82

versus political class, 71–72

minorities, regions of, 47

nationalists, 44–48

National Reconciliation Commission (NRC), 88

Northern dominance, 46–47, 50–52, 65, 69

Northern group, 51. See also Hausa/Fulani people

oil industry. See Oil production

People’s Redemption Party, 244

post-independence crises, 64

post-war status of, 243–53

prime minister, first, 50, 51–52

questions for better future, 252–53

sedition, British penalties for, 47

Southern group, 46–47

Sovereign National Conference, 252–53

university educated, position of, 25–26, 48–49

Western group, 44–45, 47, 52, 72

Nigeria-Biafra war
