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Oshuntokun, Oluwokayo, 28

Osinyi, Udoh (great-uncle), 7, 12–14

as ozo (religious official), 12–13

Otamiri deity, 18

Owerri (Biafra), 149, 217–18, 223

Oyo kingdom, 1–2

Oyolu, Dr., 159

Oyono, Ferdinand, 53

Ozo (religious official), 12–13

Palm-Wine Drinkard, The (Tutuola), 57, 113

Pan-African flag, 151

Parks, Rosa, 103

Parrinder, Dr., 33–34

Passport of Mallan Ilia, The (Ekwensi), 109

Paton, Alan, 53

Paul VI, Pope, 134, 219, 230–31

“Penalty of Godhead,” 84

People’s Redemption Party, 46, 244

Phelps, Gilbert, 37–38

Poetry, African, great works of past, 53

Pogroms, Igbo genocide, 67, 82–83, 92, 95, 123

“Polar Undergraduate,” 33

Portugal, Nigeria-Biafra war, response to, 104–5

Protest literature, 58–59

Queen’s College (Lagos), 20

Queen’s Own Nigeria Regiment, 119

Radio broadcasts, during war, 183, 259–65

Radio Nigeria, 183

“Refugee Mother and Child (A Mother in a Refugee Camp), 168

Rent-a-crowd, 69, 248
