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He wanted to be gentle with her, to look into her eyes as he thrust his cock inside her. But she gripped him tightly, drawing on him like a silken fist with each stroke until he lost his ability to reason.

She moved against him, as she clung to him with her arms around his neck, breathlessly murmuring, “It’s coming. It’s coming again.” She arched beneath him, raking his back with her nails as she came again, her hot breath racing across his skin as she moaned ecstatically and reached for the next orgasm, catching up to him as his release hit him. Her sweet body consumed his as he plunged deep and panted hard as his cum streamed from him in hot spurts until he went utterly limp, barely able to brace his weight off of her so she could breathe.

The next thing he was aware of was her kissing his chest and brushing her nose through his chest hair and giggling. She shuddered and giggled again.

“What’re you doin’?” he asked. His voice sounded like a hoarse rumble in his ears.

“Tickling myself,” she said playfully as she pressed a sweet kiss against his breastbone and then rubbed her nose back and forth through his chest hair and shuddered again. “I love the way you smell.”

“Like pool water? Or sweat?”

“Like a man. It’s sexy. With my eyes closed, I can tell the three of you apart.” She flicked her gaze up. “Does it bother you for me to talk about the three of you while we’re alone?”

Spencer shook his head. “No, baby. There’s no jealousy, otherwise this couldn’t work. We like having you to ourselves, don’t get me wrong, but we wouldn’t want you to feel like you had to watch every word and worry about us getting jealous.”

“Aren’t we assuming that everything’s back to normal a little early?” she asked, her eyes darkening a little.

Spencer kissed the tip of her nose. “Do you love Cody?” She nodded. “If he apologized for being a little high-handed and acting without discussing it first, would you forgive him?”

“A little high-handed?” she asked with an arched brow.

Spencer thought about it and nodded. “Yeah, for him that was only a little high-handed. He can get bossy but he only does it because he loves you and wants to protect you.”

She tried to pout but wound up giggling and shuddering again when he ran his goatee lightly over her lips. “He’s not the boss of me.”

“Would you forgive him?”

She lifted her chin and kissed him and said, “You know I would.”

“Then don’t worry about it.”

The wind kicked up again and the sun disappeared behind the clouds, drawing his attention again. “Looks like we’re about to get some rain.” As if to verify that, cold raindrops splattered on his back and his ass. “Let’s get you inside. Making love under the stars will have to wait for another night.”

Maizy moaned as he left the soft, snug clasp of her body and he wished he could lay out there with her for a while longer. He reminded himself this was the first of many times he planned to make love to her out on the deck. She grinned up at him as he arranged the bath sheet over her head and shoulders and they hurried to the house.

As they rushed in the back door, Cody and Heath came in through the front door.

* * * *

Maizy wrapped the towel around her torso and looked across the house at Heath and Cody. This was too important to mess up, so she was almost afraid to speak, but she needed to be clear about where she stood with all three men by the end of the evening. The big smile on Heath’s face as he moved toward her gave her a hint that he was on board.

Cody’s face was harder to read. Thunder boomed outside.

She could plainly see the relief mixed with concern in Heath’s expression as he came to her and wrapped his arms around her. Held like that, her body vibrated as he reached out and hammered Spencer on the shoulder. She wondered how they could do that to each other without doing permanent damage but Spencer just acknowledged the gesture with a slight smile and a nod before he looked over at Cody.

Heath squeezed her again and kissed the top of her head before he said, “Welcome home.”

Maintaining eye contact with Cody, she said, “I’m glad you think so but I’m not so sure of that just yet.”
