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“This isn’t your home. Not anymore.”

“My name is still on the deed.”

“Oh my god! That means jack shit, asshole. You walked out, so it’s not your home.”

“I made a mistake, Presley.”

“Yeah, you did, but it corrected the mistake I made when I married you, so let’s call it even.”

“I want to come home, baby.” His voice has that soft tone he uses when he wants something from me, but it won’t work anymore. A year ago, I would have given him anything he wanted when he spoke to me this way. I’ve since learnt my lesson.

“No. And don’t call me that anymore.”

His face tells me he wasn’t expecting this. He must have expected me to roll over and give him whatever he wanted, just like everyone else in his life does. “I’ll give you the baby you always wanted.” He promises me the one thing that came between us the most when we were together.

Anger mixes with pain, and I’m done. “Fuck you, Lennon. You can’t worm your way back into my life with shit like that. Yeah, I wanted a baby with you, but you never wanted that, so don’t come here now and make bullshit promises to get what you want in return. I don’t want a baby with you anymore.” I spit my words at him and then move to close the door in his face.

He puts a foot inside to stop the door from closing. “I’m not giving up on us, Presley,” he promises, and I see the determination on his face. Shit, he means this, and when Lennon wants something, he does everything to get it. I do not need this in my life. Not when I’ve finally decided to start something with Jett.

“Goodbye,” I say and shove his foot out of the way so I can slam the door shut. Once I have the door closed, I sag against it.


I hope he gives up, but I know he won’t. Not until he’s exhausted all avenues.



I look at the room I’ve just stepped into. It’s a fundraising event for breast cancer research, and it’s decorated in pink and white. They’ve pulled out all the stops with balloons, flowers, candles, and pretty party lights everywhere. It’s like a magical wonderland, and I stare in awe. I wish I had my camera with me; I could get some amazing photos of all this.

Jett pulls me close and murmurs against my ear, “Thank you for coming tonight.”

He called me four hours ago and asked me to come. I didn’t hesitate to say yes. Smiling at him, I say, “Any excuse to wear a party dress.”

“I’ll remember that,” he promises while scanning the room. His gaze settles on the bar. “I’m gonna go get some drinks. What would you like?”

“Surprise me with a cocktail.”

He nods. “Will do. You’ll be right at the table with the boys?”

“Absolutely. I’m looking forward to hanging out with them tonight.”

“Good. They’re looking forward to it, too.”


“Yes, really. They like you. Told me not to fuck it up.”

I turn to face him and loop my hands around his neck. He bends to give me a quick kiss, and when we pull apart, I say, “I’m so happy I decided to go on a date with you, Jett Vaughn.”

“Me too, sweetheart. You’ve no idea just how happy.”

I like his honesty, and the fact he doesn’t hesitate to make himself vulnerable to me.

“Okay, go. If you get enough cocktails in me tonight, you might get your way with me later.”

“Really? I think your sex addiction would guarantee me that without cocktails.”
