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King forced out a harsh breath. “Who?” he demanded through clenched teeth. “Who the fuck are you talking about? And why?”

Her eyes bored into his. “My husband. You took what was his, so now he wants to take what is yours.”

“Fuck! Tony is the one behind all this?”

Ivy was married to Tony Romano, one of Australia’s biggest crime bosses. He lived in Melbourne, which was why he hadn’t been on our list of Italians to check into. I only knew this because King had made me track her movements for a few years after he’d left her. Her marriage had tipped him over the edge, and I’d convinced him to stop tracking her.

I stepped forward, anger spiking through me. “What the fuck did King take?”

She turned her face to look at me. “He took me.”

“How the fuck did I take you?” King growled.

Her eyes met his again, still blazing with a fierce intensity. “You didn’t, but he thinks you did. He thinks I’m leaving him because I never stopped loving you.”



3 months later

Monroe hit me with the sexy look she pulled out when she wanted something. I’d just walked in the door after a long day out on club business. I hadn’t even had a chance to put my feet up yet, and I knew she was gonna blast me with requests to do shit around the house. I knew this because it had been going on for almost two weeks while she renovated parts of our house.

I rested my shoulder against the doorjamb and crossed my arms over my chest. “What?”

Her lips twitched as she fought a smile. She fucking knew what she was doing. She also fucking knew I’d cave to her demands. I always did.

She came to me and rubbed her body against mine while looping her arms around my neck, making real sure to get that sweet pussy of hers against my dick. “It’s not so much a what as it is a my-parents-are-coming-for-dinner.”

“Fuck, sugar, I was looking forward to a little couch time and then a whole lot of time between your legs.” Charlie was away on school camp until tomorrow, so I wanted to make the most of the night. Fuck knew, with all the club shit that had gone down recently, we could do with a night together, just the two of us.

She pulled a face. “Ah, well that was never gonna happen. Charlie came home a day early. She’s in her bedroom.”

My brows pulled together as I pushed off the doorjamb and straightened, ready to go find her. “She okay?”

Monroe gripped my shirt. “Steady, tiger, she’s fine. Two of the teachers fell sick, so the trip ended a day early.”

Thank fuck she was okay.

I ran my hand over her hair. “She called you when she got back?”

Monroe’s face lit up with a smile. “Yeah,” she said softly.

I fucking loved the shit out of the way Monroe and Charlie had bonded. The day we received the paternity test results that confirmed I was her father, Monroe celebrated by throwing a party. She made a big fucking deal about Charlie in an effort to make her feel special. Hell, the kid deserved it after everything she’d been through. Once we’d moved all of Charlie’s stuff in, they’d decorated our house together and spent hours with each other doing the kind of shit females loved to do.

Bending to kiss her, I murmured, “Our kids are gonna be the luckiest kids on the planet, red. Having you for a mother.” I knew she thought of Charlie like a daughter, but I also understood that she wanted her own babies. And I was gonna give them to her when she was ready.

“Oh,” she said, remembering something, “Tenille called just before. She’ll be here just after lunch tomorrow.”

We were navigating shared parenting with Tenille while

she and Charlie smoothed out their relationship. Craig had moved to Perth and hadn’t kept in touch with either of them. Charlie was disappointed, but I did everything I could to be the father she needed.

“She better not be hours later again. I can’t sit and watch Charlie get upset all over again.”

She smiled up at me. “I can’t wait to see you with a baby. I think it might just melt my heart once and for all.”

I smacked her ass. I fucking loved that ass. “You let me know when you’re ready to get started on that. But for now, I’m gonna take a shower and get ready to face your dad.”
