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As Lily pulled another face, I pushed off from the counter and said, “Hannah, I’ll help Lily.”

A smile spread across her face. “Oh, you are a good man, King. Thank you.” With that, she exited the kitchen, leaving us in peace.

Lily came straight to me, gripping my jacket. She leant in close and inhaled deeply. “Oh, good God, you smell good.” She then face-planted against my chest and said, “Between her and Zara, I’m not sure I’ll survive this weekend.” She lifted her head and met my gaze. “You’re free tomorrow, right?”

I curled my hand around her neck. “What for?”

“Ah, smart man. Don’t agree to shit until you know what it is. So, Zara has a date with this new boy, and I was thinking you could get eyes on her.” She bit her bottom lip waiting for my reply.

My lips twitched and I let her neck go. “Get eyes on her? When the fuck did you start talking like that?”

She smacked my chest lightly. “Since I met you I’m saying all kinds of shit I never used to say, thank you very much. You’re a very bad influence.” She paused. “So is that a yes?”

“Where are they going?”

“To the movies. I’m dropping her off and picking her up, and I’ve told her only one-hour extra time after the movie finishes. It’s that hour I’m concerned about.”

I didn’t tell her she should have been worried about a fuck of a lot more than that hour. I tipped her chin up. “Is this how you want every date she goes on to go down?”

Her eyes widened. “You were the one who told me you wouldn’t let a daughter out without eyes on her.”

“Yeah, but just because I would do shit a certain way doesn’t mean it’s how you would do it.”

“You don’t think I should do this with Zara?”

“You’ve started talking to her about this shit. You’ve got open lines with her. Don’t fuck that trust up.”

She thought about that for a moment. “That was totally not what I was expecting from you. You were supposed to be my go-to guy for this heavy work.”

I grinned. “I never said I wouldn’t take on the job of sorting out the kid she’s dating.”

Frowning, she said, “You’ve lost me.”

“I’ll drop her off, and while I’m there, I’ll find the kid and have a chat to him. I’ll lay the fucking law down with him. And if you’re not happy with how something goes down, I’ll handle it.”

She moved close, pressing her body against mine. “Now we’re talking. This sounds like a good deal.”

I placed my hand on her ass and bent to kiss her. “Fuck,” I murmured after I’d had her lips, “I’ve been thinking about that for hours.”

Pushing me away, she said, “Okay, you need to take your ass out of here so I can finish getting dinner ready.”

I watched her for a few moments while she located a saucepan and filled it with water. Fuck, I could watch her for hours and never grow bored, but I needed to leave the kitchen so we had half a chance at eating dinner tonight. My need for her body was intense tonight.

I grabbed a beer out of the fridge and headed into the lounge room.

Jamie was on his way out as I entered. He grinned at me. “Hey, man.”

I jerked my chin at him as he walked past, and sucked back some beer. I then took a seat on the couch next to Robbie who sat watching his favourite show on his iPad.

He glanced at me. “You wanna watch?”

I smiled and shook my head. “I’m gonna check out the footy.”

“It hasn’t started yet.”

“Who’s playing?”

“The Bulldogs and Raiders.”
