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How much have we lost, dear Fellow Mammals and Fellow Mortals! How much have we wilfully destroyed! How much do we need to restore, within ourselves!

The time of the Naming is not over, my Friends. In His sight, we may still be living in the sixth day. As your Meditation, imagine yourself rocked in that sheltering moment. Stretch out your hand towards those gentle eyes that regard you with such trust -- a trust that has not yet been violated by bloodshed and gluttony and pride and disdain.

Say their Names.

Let us sing.


When Adam first had breath of life

All in that golden place,

He dwelt in peace with Bird and Beast,

And knew God face to face.

Man's Spirit first went forth in speech

To Name each Creature dear;

God called to all in Fellowship,

They came without a fear.

They romped in play, and sang, and flew --

Each motion was a praise

For God's great Creativity

That filled those early days.

How shrunk, how dwindled, in our times

Creation's mighty seed --

For Man has broke the Fellowship

With murder, lust, and greed.

Oh Creatures dear, that suffer here,

How may we Love restore?

We'll Name you in our inner Hearts,

And call you Friend once more.

From The God's Gardeners Oral Hymnbook




It's daybreak. The break of day. Toby turns this word over: break, broke, broken. What breaks in daybreak? Is it the night? Is it the sun, cracked in two by the horizon like an egg, spilling out light?
