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"Then what?" says Rhino. "They can't hold the main door. Those guys have a spraygun. We don't know how much of their cellpack is left."

"We can't just let the Pigoons be shot down like rats in a barrel," says Toby. "Jimmy. When you go through the Paradice entranceway, where's the storeroom?"

"There's the two doors, the airlock door, the inner one. They're both open, I left them open. You go down the hall to the left, take a right, another left. The fucking pigs need to get into that room and hold the door shut from the inside."

"Okay, how do we tell them this?" says Zeb. "Toby?"

"Right and left could be a problem," says Toby. "I don't think the Crakers know about those."

"Think hard," says Zeb. "Clock's ticking."

"Blackbeard?" says Toby. "This is a picture of the Egg, if you were up at the top looking down at it." She draws a round circle in the dirt, with a stick. "Do you see?"

Blackbeard looks at it and nods, though not with much assurance. We hang by a thread, thinks Toby. "Good," she says with false heartiness. "Can you say this to the Pig Ones? Tell them they need to run very fast. Five of them, through the trees. They need to go past the bad men, right into the Egg. Then they need to go here" - she traces with the stick - "and in here. That right?" she asks Jimmy.

"Right enough," says Jimmy.

"They need to shut the door. They need to lean against it, to keep the bad ones from going into that room," says Toby. "Can you tell them all of that?"

Blackbeard looks puzzled. "Why do the men want to go into the Egg?" he asks. "The Egg is for making. They are already made."

"They want to find some killing things," says Toby. "The sticks that make holes."

"But the Egg is good. It does not have killing things."

"It does now," says Toby. "We have to hurry. Can you tell them?"

"I will try," says Blackbeard. He kneels on the ground. Two of the largest Pigoons lower their huge heads, one to either side of his face. There's a white tusk right beside his neck. Toby shivers. He begins to sing while tracing over Toby's marks in the sand with her stick. The Pigoons sniff at the diagram. Oh no, thinks Toby. This isn't going to work. They think it's something to eat.

But then the Pigoons lift their snouts and move to join the others. Low grunting, restless tail movements. Indecision?

Five of the medium-sized ones detach from the group and head off at a canter, two to the left of the road, three to the right. The undergrowth swallows them up.

"Looks like they got it," says Rhino. Zeb grins.

"Good," he says to Toby. "Always knew you had potential."

"They are going to the Egg," says Blackbeard. "They say they will not move too close to those men. They will be careful about the stick things, with blood coming out."

"Hope they make it," says Zeb. "Let's hike."

"It's not far," says Jimmy. "Anyway, they can't shoot us from the windows because there aren't any windows." He laughs feebly.

"Zeb?" says Toby as they move off down the road. "The third guy? I'm not sure. But I think it's Adam One."

"Yeah, I know," says Zeb. "I figured that for a while."

"What can we do to get him back?"

"They'll want to trade him," says Zeb.

"For what?"

"Sprayguns, supposing the pigs block them out. Other stuff."

"Like, for instance?"

"Like, for instance, you," says Zeb. "In their place, it's what I'd do."
