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“Neil, it’s all right.” Carson removed her mouth guard and tugged at his arm.

“All’s fair in love and boxing, man.” Bobby’s words were muffled from between his mouth guard. “If she can’t take the heat she better get out of the ring.”

Neil shoved the guy, getting right in his face, but Carson got between them.

“Our fight’s over, Bobby. We can settle this next week.”

She wasn’t impressed with his behavior but he couldn’t stand by and watch her get hurt. Couldn’t she find a less dangerous sport? Something with less of a risk of concussion.

She pushed him away from the scene and they stepped down onto the mats.

“Your boyfriend might have saved you today but he won’t be here every week,”

Bobby shouted from the ring. “You better make sure you’re ready to fight.”

“Who let’s douches like that become members?” Neil asked.

Carson led him into the corner of the studio where there was less of a crowd. Before he had the chance to turn around and face her he was pushed hard face-first into the wall. “Just what in the hell do you think you’re doing?”

He turned and held up his hands in defense. “I saw him attack you from behind.”

“Yes, that was a low blow but I can handle myself.” She ripped off her gloves and headguard, and one finger attacked his chest. “You just set me back weeks with that asshole. Now he thinks I need a boyfriend to save me.”

“I think you do need a boyfriend to save you.” He shook his head. “You shouldn’t be doing this.”

He had no idea why he was so protective. He had no right.

“I already have one man in my life who likes to tell me what to do. I don’t need you adding to that so let’s get one thing very clear.” She poked him again in the chest, her tiny finger stabbing him. “I don’t need a boyfriend, I don’t need any man coming to my rescue.”

“Fine, you may be able to handle that guy but what if a dude like me walks in and wants to spar. What if a man my size wanted to get in the ring with you?”

“And?” She tossed her head. “Are you saying that I can’t take you?”

He laughed. “That’s exactly what I’m saying.” Silly girl. She had no chance.

She growled and shoved her gloves back onto her hands. “Hit me.”

“You’re insane.” He backed away but was stopped by the wall. “I’m not hitting you.”

“Hit me.” Her hands protected her face. She was in fighting stance, just waiting for him to take a shot. “Hit. Me.”

“I think you’ve been hit in the head too many times because you’re nuts if you think I’m going to hit you.”

A few pairs of eyes now focused on their exchange in the corner instead of the fight going on in the ring.

She dropped her hands. Thank Christ. Could they go home now?

“Let’s pretend there is a man out there that I can’t fight, believe me when I say I am smart enough to know my limits and I wouldn’t get in the ring with anyone that could pose a potential problem. Besides, this is all for casual competition. These aren’t real fights.” She brought her hands up to her face again. “So, hit me.”

He shook his head. “No.”

“Hit me,” she growled.


“Hit me.” Her voice was even louder.

This time, before Neil had the chance to get out the two letter word, her right fist came hurling toward his face and made contact.
