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“Neil, I can’t let you ride. I promised Finn I’d keep an eye on you and—”

“I can handle it from here, Cole,” Carson said as she held up her hand to keep him from continuing his thought.

But Neil needed some answers from his brother. “What the hell do you mean you said you’d keep an eye on me?” Did the three of them think he was some child that needed watching over?

Before Cole responded, Carson said, “I have my truck out back. I’ll take him out when we’re done.” She looked over at the doorway. “That should appease Mr. Grumpy.”

Cole laughed but Neil did his best to keep his temper on a low simmer. He’d have a little talk with his brothers later on. Right now, he had a woman to seduce.

“Close the door behind you, Cole.”

Cole swiveled around before he slipped out the door, a huge grin on his face. He knew exactly what Neil had in mind.

“Jail?” Carson shook her head. “Purposely arguing with your brother to make me have sex with you?”

“You picked up on that, huh?” She was too smart for her own good. “I want what I want. And I want you. Right now on this desk.”

Neil snaked out his arm, wrapped it around her waist and pulled her closer. He positioned her in front of him, rested her bottom on the desk with her legs in between his own. He moved his hands from her waist up her ribcage to her breasts.

“We still have papers to review.”

He pulled his chair closer and the rolling wheels of the five-legged chair squeaked. He drew himself in until he was flush against her body, her knees pressed against the edge of the seat.

He lifted her shirt, a deep purple color that reminded him of eggplant. He kissed along her belly, soft open mouthed kisses that left her stomach quivering with every tiny contact.

“Neil?” She looked over her shoulder at the door. “Someone could walk in.”

“It’s just Cole. The restaurant isn’t open yet and none of his staff come near this office. Besides, he knows not to come in here when the door is closed.”

She tilted her head forward. “What is that, secret brother code?”

He grinned. “Something like that.”

He kissed his way higher, pushing her shirt up over her breasts. He nipped at the skin just under her bra, then the soft mounds of flesh that peeked out from the top. First the left. Then the right.

Carson let out a heavy breath. He knew her breaths. Short and shallow meant she was excited. Holding her breath meant she was overcome and heavy breaths meant she was fighting her desire. Challenge accepted.

He undid the clasp of her bra with one hand and the belt buckle of her pants with the other.

“Such a multi-tasker.”

“I know how to get things done.”

She gasped when he ripped her shirt and bra over her head and buried his face between her breasts. His mouth found her nipple and he bit down. A little pain never hurt anyone—a little pain would take her to the edge faster. But her uneven, hard breaths told him she was nervous.

“Come on, baby. It’s not like I’m recording this and putting it on YouTube. It’s just you and me.” Because that would be attention he just didn’t need. Only one Madewood brother was allowed to have a sex tape and Jack had claimed that honor years ago.

While he sucked on her nipples, he undid her pants and pushed, letting the fabric slide down over her hips, her legs. He took her thong with them, exposing her bare body, his face the perfect level to take in the sight of her pink center and the tiny strip of hair above it. He pushed her back, settling her on the desk, and spread her legs.

“You made some changes down here since we had tree sex.” He winked. “I like it.”

“I didn’t do it for you.”

“Oh, no…” He leaned in, his breath eliciting goose bumps across her flesh. “If not for me, then who?”

Something tightened in his chest as he awaited her answer. He shouldn’t care if she was screwing around with someone else. This wasn’t a permanent situation. But he had to be honest. He didn’t like the idea of her being with anyone else. Not while they were together.

He returned to teasing, his tongue snaking out and licking up the inside of her thigh and the area around her pink folds.
