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With groceries piled high in the back of her pickup, Neil directed Carson to the high school. She’d hated high school. Too many standards to live up to. Too many bad memories.

She kept her head straight, doing her best to concentrate on the road, but her eyes darted to her right where Neil sat in the passenger seat of her truck.

She had visited Bistro to get some answers—and she’d gotten more than she’d bargained for. Sex. Really great sex. And an invitation to a very private family gathering. And that kiss. That tiny kiss on top of her head was even more intimate, even more meaningful than all of the thrusting and licking they had done in his office.

“You really don’t have to participate. I’m sure you have construction workers to castrate, HVAC companies to ream out.”

So he wanted to play dirty.

“And I’m sure you’ve dated at least a few of the girls at this school.”

He ran his hand through his hair. “Christ, I don’t date teenagers. You really think that low of me?”

She shrugged. “If the gossip rags say it’s true…”

“That was one time.” He shook his head.

“So then you have dated a teenager?”

“She was twenty and very mature for her age. And it’s not like it was last week. It was years ago.” He sighed. “You know those magazines print garbage and more than half of the stuff isn’t true.”

She had really hit a nerve. He looked genuinely upset at her accusations. She pulled into a parking spot.

“Look, you can think whatever you want of me, but could you at least keep it to yourself while we’re in there.” He gestured to the building. “I have to maintain some kind of respect.

She nodded. She would never purposely bash him in public, especially not to a bunch of kids who looked up to him.

When they parked, Neil looked over and smiled. “Come on assistant. It’s show time.”

“Architect. Assistant. Chauffeur.” When it came to Neil Harrison, she wore far too many hats. “You better not get used to this, Harrison.”

“Don’t forget sex slave.” He winked and held out his hand, and she took it as she slid across the bench seat of the pick-up.

“And I will cook my own food, thank you very much.” She crossed her fingers behind her back. She never had time to cook at home—but it couldn’t be that hard. And why bother when the freezer section and take out did such a good job for her?

He smiled. “I didn’t think the assistant thing would fly. So if you’re not my assistant and you’re no longer my architect, what about chauffeur and sex slave? I’m going to need someone to drive me around and fuck me for the next seven days.”

“Are you saying you want me around for the next seven days?”

Her stomach fluttered with nervousness waiting for his answer.

This was the best idea she’d heard in a long time. Now that her job at the site was complete, she had no excuse to see Neil anymore. Agreeing to be his chauffeur was the perfect way to remedy that.

“You’re going to need someone to argue with. It might as well be me.” He grinned. “And they say make-up sex is the best kind of sex.”

Where did she sign up? “I’m in.”

The first thing they did was check in with the front office. They walked through the halls and Carson felt so tiny yet so big at the same time. Being an adult in high school automatically made the walls close in on her, the distance between the floor and the ceiling barely enough to allow her to breathe. The feeling completely at opposition with the very large, very buff man walking beside her.

Neil’s presence had always felt larger than life, but here, in a place where boys were barely men, the blatant masculinity that exuded from this man ricocheted off the walls. Even the young girls roaming the hallways stopped what they were doing, mouths ajar, to take in the sight of him.

“It’s just at the end of the hallway.” Neil said as he maneuvered them around a group of loud kids, his hand finding the small of her back as he guided her along.

Just the slight touch of his hand on her clothing sparked a fire inside her. But here, in front of these kids, she needed to maintain her distance. Even though the job may be over, she didn’t want any rumors about an inappropriate client relationship circulating. Didn’t want anyone thinking there were additional fringe benefits to hiring her.

They entered and she was immediately taken back a few decades. Browns and beiges covered everything in the room. The walls, the desktops, the shelving. Someone had decorated this room in 1970 and hadn’t bothered to update it since.

“See the five stations?” He pointed to th
