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“Good morning, grumpy pants.” She hefted the box onto the barely standing kitchen table. “This second coffee was supposed to be for me…” She peered behind him looking into the back of the cottage. “But I think you have company.”

She winked and thrust a cup of coffee into his hands.

“Plus my contact at the Toronto Tourism Board is willing to add you to the list of attractions once we’re up and running. And I…”

Penn stopped and the smile that was plastered on her face turned into a smirk. “Good morning, Ms. Kelly.”

Neil turned and smiled at Carson, who twirled a lock of her long hair around her finger.

She had gotten dressed. Damn.

“Penn is just dropping off some work and then she’s leaving.”

How could he have forgotten he’d asked Penn to stop by? He knew exactly how. He’d been caught up with Carson’s incredible sexiness.

“Not even a thank you for going out of my way for you…again.” She waved him off as she set her laptop on the table. “I’ll be out of your hair soon but I want to go over the final numbers and the itinerary for the opening.”

“Do we really need an itinerary?” Although he liked getting things done properly, Neil didn’t believe in micromanaging everything to death. Penn had scheduled their charity boat cruise the year before down to the minute and it had annoyed the hell out of him. But he wouldn’t question her process. She was good at her job.

“Yes. We need some kind of schedule.”

She plugged in her internet key and clicked around on her laptop. “Damn the country.” She wiggled the key in the USB slot. “I can barely get internet access out here. The connection is brutal.”

“People aren’t coming out here to browse the internet, Penn. They’re coming out here for a fabulous dining experience.”

Neil walked over to Carson and handed her a coffee. She refused, but her eyes lit up at his offer. He grabbed her hand and thrust it into her grip. She smiled, and it warmed his heart.

“So…” He clapped his hands. He was appreciative that Penn took the time to drive all the way out here on a weekend. But it was time for her to leave.

“Well, well,” Penn said. “Will you look at that. A Google alert for Neil Harrison. What are they saying about you today?”

Neil tensed and looked over at Carson. He’d told her last night that being in the tabloids was no big deal. But it was a big deal. It had been years since he’d had a story about him in the media that didn’t relate to business.

“Holy shit!”

Penn’s reaction wasn’t reassuring.

“Neil, I…” Penn paused. “You…” She paused again. “I…” Stuttering was not in Penn’s demeanor. Something had spooked her.

He walked over to her computer and groaned when he saw the header of the website she was on. Toronto Gossip was at it again, were they? Wasn’t there anyone better in this city to harass other than him and his brothers? There had to be.

“What did you two do last night?” Penn asked.

What they did last night wasn’t anyone’s business. “We had dinner.”

“Where?” Penn asked.

“In the restaurant.” This was getting really weird. “I was testing out the facilities.”

“Along with the cookware did you happen to test of the sturdiness of the countertop?” she asked.

Carson, who had moved next to him, squeezed at his arm, fear reflecting in her eyes. What the hell was going on?

“From the looks of it, I’d say you picked a good one.” Penn’s head shifted from side to side, then it tilted so that she stared at the screen sideways.

Neil crossed his arms over his chest. “What the hell are you looking at?”

“Oh, just my boss getting it on
