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Taking a deep breath, she began, “Mr. Bower, during our consultations you came up with a list of the items you wanted to see incorporated into your new office building and warehousing facility. I’ve included every item on that list into my design and two items that might not be on your list, but are definitely part how you run this company.”

Bower glanced at his colleague that sat to his right, his eyebrow lifting in curiosity. Let the dazzle begin.

Carson went through her presentation, slide after slide, detailing her vision for a green office space since Mr. Bower had mentioned many times in their meetings. She detailed her vision of family by designing a first floor that resembled a home. The building would have a double front door with a reception area in the foyer. A round staircase sat off to the left leading up to the second floor where the President and his immediate staff would be situated. To the right of the front door was the kitchen and cafeteria, In the very back of the building were the elevators that serviced all four floors. To the left of the staircase was the day care which was an optional item, but given the many times he’d mentioned the importance of a work-life balance for his staff, Carson didn’t think he would mind. In the back was an outdoor eating facility and basketball courts. Each floor of offices utilized the outside walls for cubicle space, giving each staff member access to natural light with the conference rooms, bathroom facilities, and communal administrative spaces in the middle.

With each slide, Martin squirmed a little more in his seat. At one point, he even pulled at the collar of his dress shirt. That made Carson smile.

Mr. Bower sat at the head of the table stoic. He failed to give away any indication that he either loved or despised her ideas.

“So that, Mr. Bower, is my vision for your new office facility. It’s modern, inviting, utilitarian, and gives back to the environment.”

The room sat quiet for a moment, giving Carson time to fear the worst. She needed this deal. She needed this to prove, that regardless of who her father picked as lead designer, she was capable of designing with the best.

“Ms. Kelly…” Liam Bower fidgeted in his seat. He sighed, and clasped his hands on the table in front of him. “I was hoping that your design was going to be mediocre at best.”

Mediocre? He was hoping for it to suck?

“This is absolutely beyond anything I could have imagined and I love that you picked up on the philosophies of this company without even being told.”

Carson smiled despite Martin’s tiny scoff from his seat to her left, but it was a half-smile. He was complimenting her work, but bad news was coming. It was written all over his face.

“And that is why it pains me to tell you that despite the fact I love everything about your design, Bower Industries just can’t do business with Kelly Designs.”

The nervousness she had been keeping at bay during her presentation burst front and center and overwhelming heat broke out across her body.

“I’m sorry, I… I don’t understand.”

Bower looked over at his colleague who nodded, as if giving him the go-ahead to provide further explanation.

“Ms. Kelly, I’ve seen the video on the internet.”

Fucking internet!

And it was the worst possible reason in the world he could have given her with her father sitting off to the side.

“Mr. Bower, I don’t see how a tiny mix-up in my personal life has anything to do with my job as an architect.”

“It’s more than a little mix-up, Ms. Kelly. I have no doubt this will bring a lot of unwanted attention to your father’s company…”

Again, the worst possible thing he could have said.

“…and I don’t want to get caught up in that. And to be honest…” He paused. This couldn’t be good. “My wife wasn’t too pleased about the news and already made it known that she would be very uncomfortable with you working for me, given the fact that you have a history of personal involvement with your clients.”

Carson recoiled. She had never—would never—sleep with one of her clients. Neil was different. Neil wasn’t any different. She tried to make him different, tried to tell herself that this was a one-time deal that possibly saved him from destruction. But in reality, the bottom line was she slept with her client. She was unprofessional. Just like her father accused.

“With all due respect Mr. Bower, if you knew you weren’t going to take this contract, why did you allow me to present? You could have cancelled the meeting all together.”

“The thought crossed my mind, but I wanted to have one more interaction with you. I told myself that if all I could think about while you were giving your presentation was your personal life, I knew I wouldn’t be able to work with you.”

He had given her a second chance. He was a fair and honest man. And she hated that.

“I’m sorry you feel that way. And I apologize for the added tension for your wife.”

“Mr. Bower.” her father spoke. “Is there not something we can do to change your mind?”

Bower sat back in his chair and crossed his arms over his chest.

“What if I transferre
