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He hopped on his bike, parked at the side of the barn. Thunder rumbled in the distance. Tiny drops of rain sputtered on his helmet as he placed it on his head.

He kicked the bike into gear and raced down the dirt path to the road. It would take him half an hour to get to Carson’s place. He only hoped that when he got there, she was willing to see him. Because there was no way he was going to let the woman that he loved get away again. Not this time.

Carson turned the taps on her bathtub, letting the water rush out. She held her hand under the heavy stream, adjusting the temperature to her liking.

A crack of thunder rumbled the walls of her condo, the sound of rain against her window was soft at first then grew loud, the heavy pelts pinging off the glass as i

f they were solid.

She needed a bath. She needed some time to digest what had just gone down with her father.

When the water was the perfect temperature she pushed down the plug and let the bath do its thing. She tightened her robe as she walked out of the bathroom to her kitchen where a bottle of red wine sat on the counter breathing.

She poured herself an over-sized glass, filling the liquid almost up to the rim. A definite wine faux pas. She didn’t care.

She walked to her bedroom and placed the too-full glass of wine on the vanity. After pouring in some bubble bath, she turned off the taps. With her robe half off her body, she jumped when a loud bang sounded at her front door.

She grabbed the bat she kept hidden behind in her bedroom just in case. She wasn’t expecting anyone and with the drama that had just gone down with Martin, she didn’t trust him not to show up and seek vengeance.

She tiptoed toward the door, gripping the bat tightly in her right hand.

“Carson!” She jumped when the person banged again.

But she knew that voice. She unlocked the door and swung it open and jumped back at the sight of Neil, his clothes soaked through. At the mere sight of him her, breath quickened and her heart sped up.

He looked up and met her gaze. But this Neil didn’t look like the confident man she had had meant over a year ago. He didn’t have his larger-than-life attitude she had become accustomed to. Nor did he have that brilliant smile that never failed to make her weak in the knees. He looked…scared.

They stood staring at each other. “You’re supposed to be at a party right now.”

“I know.”

She straightened her robe on her torso. “So you left the party? To come here?”

He nodded.


“I have something to say.”

Her breath caught in her throat. Was here to tell her he’d moved on? Despite her broken heart, she hoped he was moving in the right direction. He might not love her, but someone, someday, would be lucky enough to have Neil Harrison all to themselves. And she would be the luckiest girl in the world.

“Don’t marry that jerk,” he whispered. “You can’t marry that jerk.”

Not exactly the declaration she was hoping for.

“He’s no good.” He squeezed his grip tighter on his helmet. “I don’t have all the proof I need yet but he just wants to—”

“I know.”

His eyes widened and he looked into hers. “You do.”

She nodded. “I know all about him leaking the video. I know all about his proposal.”

“Thank Christ.” He stalked inside without an invitation and threw his helmet on her couch.

“Come on in,” she mumbled as she closed her front door. This was not the happy ending she had imagined.
