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“I’m going to come all over your precious little silk sheets, Fox,” I warned him, grinding my ass back onto his cock like I was desperate for him.

“Do it,” he said. “Because I’m about to fill you up.”


He stroked my cock harder as he fucked me. In another moment I was losing it, Fox moaning over me as he came deep inside me.

“So fucking good, Sam,” he whispered, and I started to come, too, shooting white all over the top sheet and his hand. He steadied himself inside me as wave after wave crashed over me, and as he caught his breath, he pressed a dozen tiny kisses to my back as I came.

“You—that was—” I said, completely at a loss for how to finish.

“I know.”

He slowly slid out of me, discarding the condom.

“Come here,” he said, walking over to the shower and turning it on. As he waited for the water to heat up, he turned to me, his eyes meeting mine.

He looked serene. More relaxed than I’d ever seen him. Usually Fox had a look on his face like he was lost in thought, always probably thinking about some aspect of his business or planning something for the future.

None of that was there right now.

He leaned in, pressing his lips to mine, kissing me soft and slow. It felt intimate. Almost as much as the sex had felt, honestly. I had been with many guys who would shut down after they came inside me, walking off and going cold.

Fox was nothing like that. It was as if coming had opened him up, somehow, too, giving me the sweetest kiss I’d ever gotten from him.

We stepped into the shower and washed off. Fox focused on me, lathering my skin and massaging me from my shoulders to my hips to my ass. By the time we dried off and changed the top sheet on his bed, I was more relaxed than I’d been in weeks.

I still felt like I was breaking some rule as I got in under the covers next to him. Did he really still want me here? We’d had sex, and it had been incredible, but we’d never purposely slept in the same bed before. Just a few weeks ago, I was pretty sure we’d have rather slept out in the woods without a sleeping bag than ever sleep next to one another.

But here we were. I could feel the warmth of his body next to mine, and the bed really was one of the best mattresses I’d ever been on. He turned off the lights using one of the little tablets that controlled the RV, and left on only the dimmest night light in the corner.

“So you like having sex with guys, huh?” I said softly, bringing the sheets close up around my shoulders.

“I like having sex with you,” he clarified, his voice low, matter-of-fact. “Get over here.”

He pulled me in, coming up behind me and wrapping one arm around my body.

“You even cuddle,” I said. “I really didn’t know you at all, Fox.”

“Shut up,” he said, but I could hear the smile in his voice. “You smell nice.”

“Because I used your shampoo and body wash?”

“Well, yes,” he said. “But you always smell nice, regardless.”

“Is the universe going to end soon, or something?” I asked. “Because I’m about ready to see pigs fly and hell freeze over hearing you compliment me like this.”

I felt his warm lips behind my ear. He kissed me there, letting out a low breath. “I think I’ve always liked you, Sam,” he said, his voice starting to sound heavy with sleep. “I was just too stupid to realize it.”

My heart squeezed inside my chest. I felt smaller in his arms, suddenly, but in a good way.

In a belonging sort of way.

But as he drifted off behind me, seemingly so easily, I found myself increasingly panicked about everything this implied.

This was so, so bad, even though it was so good.

My stepbrother was hot. He was fucking amazing in bed. And apparently, he could even be shockingly kind, so sweet to me in a way that I wasn’t used to.

And that, for my idiotic little hopeless heart, was a prime recipe for making me fall for somebody.


And there was no way in hell I could let myself fall for someone who was—in reality—very unavailable, very different from me, and my goddamn stepbrother.

In another week, Fox would be back in New York City, living out his dreams in a life I knew nothing about. And within a few years, he probably would be married to a woman.

No matter how easily I fell for people, I couldn’t let myself with him.

But I felt so good, right here. I still had time before I had to think about everything. Right now, the heavy weight of his arm across my body was the most comforting thing I’d felt in a very, very long time.

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