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The best part, though, was when I brought the cake out for her.

I’d hidden it away, and Nemi had been banned from the kitchen while I’d placed the chocolate shards on it this morning. Seeing her face when I brought it out, the fountain candles wooshing sparks in the air—thankfully I’d tied my hair back before we’d lit them—and the oversized number three candle on the top of it, the flame flickering prettily, nothing compared to it.

That was until I looked to the side and saw Bond watching us while Nemi hugged me and thanked me profusely. His expression was soft as he snapped photos of us with his phone, and when he caught me watching him back, he tapped his chest—the left side of it, where his heart was.

Nothing could make this day better for me. Not one thing.

I had my family, my friends, all of the Kleins who let the girls paint their nails, my daughter, my boyfriend, and it felt like life was piecing itself together for me now. I wasn’t on the outside, blundering through it and hoping for the best anymore.

So, I went with my heart and tapped the left side of my chest back to him. What I didn’t know until I saw the photos people had taken at that moment, was that my daughter was doing the same thing to him.

Yeah, I had those photos framed. I wasn’t a fool.

Well, I kind of was, but I was a fool in love. That’s totally a different thing.

Just to add to the beauty of the day, Nemi had declared she didn’t want to go anywhere, she just wanted everyone to come to us. She was as in love with our life here as I was, and after she was done beautifying Dolf, Jarrod, Bond, Canon, and Reid, I swear we all fell that little bit more in love with them all.

Chapter Fifteen


Sleeping in Heidi’s bed with Nemi in the same house last night, had made me feel anxious and slightly out of place. Tonight, I wasn’t sure where to put my hands, if I was okay wearing a t-shirt and jockey shorts, and I felt like I was waiting for my parents to come and lecture me on spending the night at a girl’s house.

“You look so stressed right now. Why is it, when you spend the night, you look like you’re about to freak out,” Heidi snickered as she got under the covers and then scooted forward until she was right next to me. “What’s worrying you so much?”

Rubbing my face with my hands, I groaned. So far, whenever I’d slept over, the most we’d done was spoon, but with the looks Heidi had been giving me all day, it felt like we were going to be headed into ‘more’ territory tonight.

“Everything. I feel like my parents are going to burst through the door and tell me off for sleeping in a girl’s bed. And, am I okay wearing this to bed, or should I have sweats and a hoodie on? Where do my hands go?”

She was quiet for a moment, but then she turned her face into the pillow and burst out laughing, using it to muffle the noise.

“I’m glad it’s amusing to you,” I huffed, pulling the comforter up to my chin and staring at the door handle in case it started moving.

If Nemi came through, I could always roll out of bed and pretend I was sleeping on the floor. That was an idea.

“I’m sorry,” Heidi wheezed, lifting her head up to look at me with a broad smile on her face. “I didn’t mean to laugh.”

“Yes, you did.”

I didn’t take my eyes off the door, though. Now that I had a plan, I was ready to do it the second I heard any noises or movements in the house. Hell, it could be a burglar at this stage, and I’d still do it. Although, I’d obviously jump back up again and tackle him once he came in.

“Why are you staring at the door?”

“If I hear any movement or the handle moves, I’m going to roll out of bed and lie on the ground. Nemi will be okay if it looks like I’m camping out down there, right? Or should I put my sweatpants on first?”

Heidi’s hand moved from where it was resting on my chest to the side of my face, and then she nudged me to look at her.

“I love that you’re so worried about Nemi, but it’s okay, Bond. I’ve got no experience with having a man stay here, so I’m winging this just like you are. What I can say is, she’ll be just fine. Stop overthinking it.”

I would have relaxed and probably fallen asleep after an hour or two—let’s be realistic, I was still worried regardless of Heidi’s reassurance—but she punctuated it with a kiss that deepened when she flicked her tongue into my mouth.
