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“Shit, flash is on. Don’t move.” There was a noise from her phone, and then she grinned at us. “Got it. I’ll text it to you.”

“No, it isn’t a couple’s massage. It’s a his and her mani/pedi,” Evie explained while Sayla continued to look between the two of us.

I had no idea what my sister was thinking because her expression gave nothing away, but whatever it was, it was serious. At the same time, Bond turned to stone behind me.

“A mani/pedi?” he asked. When Evie and Jacinda nodded, he said slowly, “As in, a manicure and pedicure?”

“Yeah. We were going to add in facials, but the girl who does them is sick with some stomach thing. Oh,” Evie cried, “but Layla’s back there. She does things like Botox, fillers, skin peels, and the like. Do you want to see if she has an opening?”

I mean, I wouldn’t say no. I was intrigued as hell about what a skin peel was, but Bond didn’t feel the same way.

“Hell no. Heidi’s perfect as she is.”

Take my panties. Take them now. What woman wouldn’t melt and offer her body up to her man to do whatever he wanted with it when he said something like that to her? Seriously. I may as well just not wear any if he was going to say that and change gears with the hand farthest away from the gear stick.

I had scored the sexiest man alive.

All of the women sighed, even Jacinda and Sayla, including the ladies getting their hair done.

As Evie showed us where to go, Sayla pulled me in and hissed, “I love him for you. Don’t fuck this up.”

“Why would I be the one to fuck it up? What if he fucks it up?”

“Did you not hear him,” she growled, her hand tightening slightly on my arm. “There’s no way he’d do that.”

Grabbing her bicep, I squeezed it back. “Don’t tell me not to fuck my relationship up and then basically accuse me of being unable to have a lifelong commitment with Bond.”

Sayla’s eyes narrowed, and her hand tightened further. “Don’t squeeze my arm so tightly when I’m giving you advice.”

See, this was where sisters had issues. Some outgrew them, others did not. We hadn’t. Every time something like this happened, we still threw fists, pulled hair, pinched, tried to tit punch, attempted the knee to the vagina move, and basically threw down.

Just as we both reached for each other’s hair, Bond pulled me back into his body. “Okay, while that’s hilarious—”

“No shit,” a deep voice said behind us, and I caught sight of Evie’s brother, Roque, leaning against the glass with a huge smile on his face.

“—we need to go to our appointment, baby,” Bond continued, unaware of my sister’s unrequited love for the man behind us.

As we walked by Sayla, I stuck my hand up, thumb to my nose, and blew a raspberry. “Suck on that, bru.”

That was the South African coming out in me. Here, people said bro or bruh normally. Back in South Africa, it was ‘bru.’ The number of times people heard the slight accent we had and some of the ways we pronounced words and tried to correct us was nuts. Some even talked slowly like we couldn’t understand them, or—my favorite—shouted like it would make someone who didn’t speak English understand it better. Not everyone spoke the same way, and some people needed to get over that shit and let us live.

“Suck on your skanky vagina, bru,” Sayla hissed back, then realized what she’d said and how loudly it had come out and blushed. Cringing, she turned to the salon and said, “I apologize. I really don’t know where that came from.”

The deep laughter coming from Roque followed Bond and me all the way to the room we were having our mani/pedis in. When the door was shut behind us, I gave my own apologies.

“I’m sorry you had to see that. Sisters can be….” I winced as a slew of memories of past fights went through my mind. “Well, we can be savages.”

Sitting on one of the special relaxation chairs in the room, Bond steepled his fingers in front of me and pursed his lips. Was there anything this man did that didn’t look hot? I mean, if I sat in a chair, I’d just look like a brunette woman sitting in a chair.

“You realize I have three brothers, right?” he asked out of the blue, surprising me.

“Uh, duh. I work with Canon, Reid threatened to cuff me the other day, and Jarrod’s worked on my car. You’re also the size of amazons, so you’re impossible to miss.” That’s not to mention the heat factor of all of them. Individually they were sinful. Together, they were outrageously and wickedly hot. I doubt there was a woman who didn’t drool when they all went somewhere together. “Hey, were you guys eye porn from birth?”
