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That was until Canon’s head snapped in my direction. “Can I kill him? We don’t need the cocktails. We’ve got Casy.”

Ignoring them, I hit send on the message and then saved the video to watch the rest of it later.

Me: Thanks for the video.

Heidi: You can thank me later.

Me: I was going to anyway, then you can thank me back for being the best boyfriend in existence.

Heidi: I was going to anyway. Love you. xxx

Me: Love you more. Xxx

“Aw, look at that smile, Canon. I think he’s in love.” A slapping sound followed by a clipped “fuck” told me my brother hadn’t found it amusing and was finally getting revenge on our friend.

That still didn’t stop Cason from adding, “Shall we call next month’s star cocktail ‘Jacinda Gives Me Blue Balls’?”

I only just got there in time to stop Canon jumping on him as Cason laughed his ass off.

“Go sniff your thank you card,” I ordered my brother, nodding my head at his desk, “or whatever else Nemi made you with those pens. You,” I pointed at Cason, “shut up, or I’ll let him make contact next time.”

“Ah, you know I’m only kidding, boys,” he sighed as he stood up. “I’ve got to go and do a stock check at the club for Ethan. He’s having issues with some of the guys working for him.”

Cason worked for a number of bars, restaurants, and clubs in the area, creating cocktails and advising the best things for their businesses. He had a degree in business, but the cocktails were his passion. Ethan had met him years ago and recommended him to us when we’d been thinking up ways to boost our business. From there, it’d snowballed into a work and personal friendship between us all.

“Tell him we said hey, and he owes us for letting you live,” Canon snapped, sniffing whatever was on a piece of paper.

“Better make sure that’s not those markers that make you high and trippy, dude. You’ll be in the kitchen licking shit you’re not meant to,” Cason advised, walking out the door. Just as it began to close behind him, he stuck his head around it and yelled, “Because you’re not licking Jacinda.”

Canon was up and running after him like a shot, leaving me standing there and wondering when I became the sane one in my family. I used to wear police uniforms you could tear off your body with one move, for Christ’s sake. Heck, I’d even stood in my living room practicing how to tear it off without it getting stuck. Now, here I was, hoping Cason survived whatever Canon put him through.

And then I remembered what was on my phone and hoped he stayed kicking his ass long enough for me to watch it at least twice.

I’d spent the last seven hours in hell, that damn video playing on repeat in my head. The only thing keeping me sane was that Nemi would be asleep when I got to Heidi’s, so I could finally ease the persistent throb that’d caused me issues all day.

At one point, I’d had to hide my issue with my suit jacket when I’d been called out onto the floor to greet a customer. It’s the first time I’d done it with the buttons done up, and everyone had given me funny looks because I’d been walking so stiffly.

We were never going to talk about it, so they could make their assumptions in the break room all they wanted.

I just needed to get through that door and inside Heidi now.

Opening it with the key she’d given me, I was greeted by darkness. Fuck, she might be asleep. Even the thought made me groan as I locked up behind me and made my way as quietly as I could up both flights of stairs, checking the repair work so far on the wall Cash had crashed through on my way, until I was standing in front of the door to the bedroom.

If she’s asleep, think bad thoughts, Bond. Roadkill, food poisoning, rotting food, salmonella….

Opening it as carefully as I could, I stopped when I saw what was waiting for me.

“You better close the door behind you in case you wake up Nemi. I’m not sure you want us interrupted for this,” Heidi whispered as she lay on the bed in white lacy lingerie.

It wasn’t just a bra and panties. There was a garter belt and stockings with white lace around her thighs.

“Holy shit.”

Getting up, she smiled as she walked toward me, then she grabbed my tie and used it to pull me into the room, pressing against my front to close the door. I have no idea how she managed to do it all without making a noise, but I was too focused on what she was wearing to pay attention.

“Is it my birthday?” I’d read about this in men’s magazines—women planning something once a year for their man’s birthday. Unfortunately, they went off sex for the rest of the year, but at least they had that to look forward to.
