Page 27 of Saison for Love

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“Nice,” he echoed.

The door to the cheese room opened and Ruth came in, carrying her cheese basket. She paused when she saw them, her cheeks flushing faint pink.

Blushing? For me? That would be a first. “Good morning.”

“Good morning.” She smiled at them, sliding her basket onto the counter. “Here for lunch?”

Liam nodded. “The tavern’s closed today. It’s our chance to see what’s going on at the competition.”

Ruth gave him a tentative smile, casting a curious glance at Peaches. Jealous? Probably too much to hope for. “We’re not exactly competition for the tavern. We don’t even serve beer.”

“Hi, I’m Peaches.” Peaches extended her hand to Ruth. “I cook at the tavern. Liam and I work together.” She gave Ruth the kind of cheery smile that seemed to indicate zero romantic interest in him. Thank you, ma’am.

Ruth gave her hand a quick shake. “Hi, Peaches, I’m Ruth. This is my place.”

“Nice to meet you. I’ve heard such wonderful things about your cheese. I can’t wait to try it. And the restaurant is lovely.”

“Thanks. I like it. It’s a good space.”

The waitress returned with two glasses of iced tea and two sandwich baskets. Ruth nodded toward their lunch. “What did you order?”

“The grilled tomato goat cheese. Still one of the best sandwiches I’ve ever tasted.”

“I’m doing the avocado goat cheese,” Peaches added. “Can’t wait to see how that combination works out.”

Ruth frowned, her eyes narrowing. “That’s interesting. Usually it takes a while to get those done.” She glanced toward the waitress, already busy at the next table.

Liam took a bite, closing his eyes to savor the mixture of flavors again. “Primo. The best.”

“This is really good. The goat cheese is just terrific.” Peaches licked a bit of cheese off the corner of her mouth.

Ruth leaned forward to say something, her lips edging into a smile, as the door to the kitchen slammed open behind her. She jumped, half turning. “What the hell?”

Barbara Jean stood in front of the door, stripping off her white canvas apron. She fixed Ruth with a lethal stare, her eyes crackling with fire. “I told you I didn’t allow kids in my kitchen. I told you. And there she was again, messing up my counters, getting in my way. I won’t have it. I can’t work under these conditions. I quit.”

Ruth stared at her blankly. “What are you talking about? Was Carol in the kitchen?”

“Yes, she was. In the kitchen fixing those fancy-ass cheese sandwiches of yours. Goat cheese. Tastes like cream cheese that’s gone bad.” Barbara Jean screwed up her mouth as if she’d just smelled something nasty.

Peaches made an outraged sound. Ruth kept her full attention on Barbara Jean. “You’re supposed to give me two weeks’ notice if you’re quitting. You can’t walk out in the middle of a meal.”

“I can, and I will. Just you watch. Don’t give me a reference. Doesn’t matter to me. I can always get work at a diner somewhere else. So what if it pays less? Some things are more important than money.” Barbara Jean narrowed her eyes, as if she expected Ruth to try to block her way.

“Barbara Jean Maddox, you’re an idiot.”

Liam turned around. Angel Lomax sat at a nearby table with her fiancé, Abe Parsons. She was shaking her head. “You don’t walk out in the middle of a meal, not if you’re any kind of cook at all. You should be ashamed of yourself.”

Barbara Jean looked like she was gritting her teeth. “I’ve had enough of this nonsense, and I’m leaving. That’s it.” She tossed her balled-up apron to the floor and stalked to the front door of the restaurant where she turned one more time. “You owe me for today.”

“I owe you for last week,” Ruth said tightly. “I’m not paying you for today.”

“Whatever. I’m glad to be out of this place.” Barbara Jean marched out the door, slamming it behind her.

Was it possible for silence to echo? Liam had a feeling it was happening. All the customers had turned toward Ruth, staring at her in shock.
